Qt wiki will be updated on October 12th 2023 starting at 11:30 AM (EEST) and the maintenance will last around 2-3 hours. During the maintenance the site will be unavailable.


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Schnellzugriff (Portal)

Aktuelle Release-Versionen (Alle Release-Versionen)
Qt-Version Status Neue Features Download der Online-Installer (Alle Downloads)
Linux (32 bit) Linux (64 bit) Mac Windows
Qt 4.8.7 Veraltet Link zur Download-Seite
Qt 5.12 Long Term Support Release Neue Features in Qt 5.12 -
Qt 5.15 Long Term Support Release Neue Features in Qt 5.15 -
Qt 6.0 Standard Support Neue Features in Qt 6.0 -
Qt 6.1 Entwicklung Neue Features in Qt 6.1 -
Qt 6.2 Entwicklung Neue Features in Qt 6.2 -
Installation / Übersetzung
Neu bei Qt 5?

Anwendungsentwickler (Portal)

Qt Creator QtQuick XML JSON Network Web Serial Port Datenbanken
Localization Multimedia Bluetooth Sprachanbindungen Widgets 2D Threads Deploying
Tools Add-ons Porting Plugins Testen Drucken 3D Sensors
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