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Qt Public Roadmap Process

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What do we mean by Public?

  • To give transparency of Nokia’s development to the Qt community
  • To encourage others in the Qt community to bring their development ideas and innovations in
  • To use public roadmap documentation, mailing lists, public planning and bug tracking tool, public roadmap meetings and blog posts

What is Roadmap?

  • Qt Release Roadmap (support: Pia Vuorela, Nokia)
  • Qt Module Roadmap (responsible: Module maintaners or their delegate(s))
  • Qt Research Projects view (TBD)

What do we mean by Process?

  • Public roadmap in public wiki /Qt Devnet
  • Module-level feature roadmaps in Qt Bug Tracker http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com
  • Mailing list
  • Public roadmap meetings
  • Roadmap blog postings


  • Pia Vuorela (Qt release roadmap)