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Qt5 on Blackberry10

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BlackBerry is no longer maintaining Qt5 so all link directing to http://qtlab.blackberry.com/ is broken as the server have been taken down. Please go through the forum thread for more informations.

Currently, Qt5 is neither included in the BlackBerry 10 device software nor in the BlackBerry 10 SDK. However, Qt5 on BlackBerry 10 has reached a excellent level of quality and can be used for developing and publishing applications to BlackBerry World.

There are currently two options how you can use Qt5 on BlackBerry 10:

  • Use a binary overlay to add Qt5 to an NDK installation
  • Make and use a custom Qt5 build

See sections below for more details.

Use a binary overlay to add Qt5 to an NDK installation

The Qt team in BlackBerry started to provide pre-built Qt5 as a Qt Project delivery, however this is now discontinued. The purpose of the overlay was to support Qt5 enthusiasts and save their time from building Qt5 from scratch. Most importantly, we would also like to get feedback from a broader community which will help to improve Qt5 on BlackBerry 10 in the future.

The provided packages require the 10.2 Gold version of the BlackBerry 10 Native SDK. After the installation, Qt5 is automatically recognized and configured in Qt Creator 3.0 (and later), is available on command line, and can be immediately used for application development. Even though you do not need an own build, you still need to pay attention to a few details described on this page.

Please provide your feedback! This helps making it better! Please use the QtPorts: BB10 component for BlackBerry 10 specific issues and other components for Qt generic issues even if you found them on BlackBerry 10. Consider visiting:

  • the site dedicated to native development
  • the related developer support forum
  • the forum on Qt Project

Note: The overlay packages are not a part of the official NDK distributions by BlackBerry, but an add-on provided by the Qt Project. Be aware that you cannot mix Qt5 code with Cascades application framework APIs based on Qt 4.8. The Momentics IDE currently does not support Qt5 development.

Make and use a custom Qt5 build

This is an option for advanced developers and Qt contributors. Most application developer will probably prefer not investing time in this.

  1. Please make sure your working environment is set up: Setup-for-BlackBerry10-development
  2. Build Qt5 for BlackBerry 10: Building Qt5 for Blackberry
  3. Learn how to add this build to Qt Creator and used it for application development on this page

Overlay repos

Since Blackberry have discontinued to provied overlays, enthusiast initiatives to provied overlays have started. Initiatives is listed below.



Please take a look on this page to get an overview of the status of Qt5 on BlackBerry 10.