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Qt Contributors Day 2013 in Berlin

Following on from 2011 and 2012, the KDE e.V. in partnership with Digia, KDAB and ICS will once again be running a Qt Contributors Day at Qt Developers Day Berlin 2013. This will take place on Monday 7th October at Cafe Moskau in parallel to the Training Day.

As the day is organised by the KDE e.V., a major focus is the ongoing contributions by the KDE community in Qt in preparation for KDE Frameworks 5. However any major topic related to Qt development is welcome to be discussed, whether code or community or governance related, especially where contributions can be sought from the KDE community. You are also encouraged to bring a cool demo or preview of something you are working on for a future Qt release.


To attend Qt Contributors Day 2013 you need a ticket to Qt Developer Days 2013 including Monday. Space is limited at Qt Contributors Day, so please register your intention to attend below.

If you are personally unable to afford to attend and you are an active member of the KDE community, then the KDE e.V. has a limited number of sponsored tickets available that include attendance at the Qt Contributors Day and the Conference proper, but not the Training Day. In return you will be required to assist with some of the Qt Dev Days organisation. To apply for one of these tickets please email John Layt at jlayt@kde.org with an outline of why you would like to attend, how KDE will benefit from your participation, and if you require travel sponsorship as well.

If you do not have a Monday ticket, and are not eligible for a KDE e.V. sponsored ticket, but still wish to attend, then please contact John Layt (jlayt@kde.org) to discuss your situation.

Event space

Qt Dev Days Berlin 2013 is being held at Cafe Moskau. One large room seating 20 people has been booked for the Qt Contributors Day. It may be possible to break out into other small spaces or the atrium area, but this cannot be guaranteed.


While the room is limited to 20 people at a time, it is hoped more people can come and go during the course of the day in-between training sessions. Please register your intention to attend below, and indicate when you think you will be able to attend.

  • John Layt - jlayt@kde.org - All day
  • Sune Vuorela - sune@kde.org - All day
  • Cornelius Schumacher - schumacher@kde.org
  • Inge Walin - inge@lysator.liu.se
  • Bernhard Beschow - bbeschow@cs.tu-berlin.de
  • Daniele Domenichelli - daniele.domenichelli@gmail.com
  • Illya Kovalevskyy - illya.kovalevskyy@gmail.com
  • Manuel "Sput" Nickschas - sputnick@quassel-irc.org - Only if training schedule permits
  • Olivier Goffart - olivier woboq.com
  • Your Name Here - you@email.com - All day

Suggested Topics

As we only have one room, the number of topics able to be discussed in formal sessions will be limited. In order to help with planning the day we request that you list topics for discussion below, and if possible a rough idea of what time and how long the discussion will be. On the day itself we will organise these and any other topics in an unconference style, with any spare time in-between used for less formal discussions, code reviews, and hacking.

  • Status of KF5 features required in Qt 5.2
  • Planning for KF5 features required in Qt 5.3
  • ICU in Qt / Progress on QLocale, QDateTime and QCollator - John Layt, 30-60 mins
  • Transition from KDE4 to KF5 for distro packagers - parallel installs? How to handle colliding includes and cmake configs?
  • Your Suggestion Here