Qt wiki will be updated on October 12th 2023 starting at 11:30 AM (EEST) and the maintenance will last around 2-3 hours. During the maintenance the site will be unavailable.


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Accessibility model for the ChoiceList role

Required to be returned by child()

Required role Quantity Comment
List 1

Required to be returned by parent()


Required attributes

property behaviour
text(QAccessible::Name) The name of the ui control (can be empty, usually name is derived from associated label)
text(QAccessible::Value) The text of the selected item

Accessibility model for the ComboBox role

Required to be returned by child()

Required role Quantity Comment
List 1
EditableText 1 (ComboBox is always editable)

Required to be returned by parent()


Required attributes

property behaviour
text(QAccessible::Name) The name of the ui control (can be empty, usually name is derived from associated label)
text(QAccessible::Value) The text of the selected item


The Playground!

Use this page for your wiki markup experiments. The wiki syntax is available here and here.


Window {

id: root 
Statusbar { anchors.top: root.top }
ToolBar { anchors.bottom: root.bottom }

Links with spaces

Plain text: http://sourceforge.net/p/necessitas/wiki/Compile Qt framework/

With percent-20s: http://sourceforge.net/p/necessitas/wiki/Compile Qt framework/ (hmm, it automatically strips percent-20s out and replaces with spaces…

Using link button: Your text to link here… Qt framework/