Qt wiki will be updated on October 12th 2023 starting at 11:30 AM (EEST) and the maintenance will last around 2-3 hours. During the maintenance the site will be unavailable.


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See also Qt Modules Maturity Level for the status of each module (may be out of date) and Plans for Modules for notes and ideas about what the maintainers plan for their modules.

Qt Maintainers

Note: Please do not contact these developers directly unless you want to discuss your contributions. If you need help with Qt, ask in an appropriate forum or join one of our online communities.

Qt's Chief Maintainer is Volker Hilsheimer.

git repo Module Component Name Company Country Email
qt3d Qt 3D Sean Harmer

Paul Lemire

KDAB United Kingdom sean.harmer@kdab.com


qt5compat Qt 5 Compat Sona Kurazyan Germany kurazyan.sona@gmail.com
qtactiveqt Active Qt Oliver Wolff The Qt Company Germany oliver.wolff@qt.io
qtapplicationmanager Qt Application Manager Robert Griebl The Qt Company Germany robert.griebl@qt.io
qtbase Lars Knoll The Qt Company Norway lars.knoll@qt.io
qtbase Build System qmake; configure; mkspecs Jörg Bornemann The Qt Company Germany joerg.bornemann@qt.io
qtbase Build System CMake Support & Qt 6 Build System Alexandru Croitor The Qt Company Germany alexandru.croitor@qt.io
qtbase tools moc Fabian Kosmale The Qt Company Germany fabian.kosmale@qt.io
qtbase tools rcc André Pönitz The Qt Company Germany andre.poenitz@qt.io
qtbase Qt Core Thiago Macieira Intel USA thiago.macieira@intel.com
qtbase Qt Core MIME Types David Faure KDAB France david.faure@kdab.com
qtbase Qt Core Item Models David Faure KDAB France david.faure@kdab.com
qtbase Qt Core Locale,Date/Time Edward "Eddy" Welbourne The Qt Group Norway edward.welbourne@qt.io
qtbase Qt D-Bus (unmaintained)
qtbase Qt GUI
qtbase Qt GUI Accessibility Jan Arve Sæther The Qt Company Norway jan-arve.saether@qt.io
qtbase Qt GUI Input Methods & Feedback Shawn Rutledge The Qt Company Norway shawn.rutledge@qt.io
qtbase Qt GUI OpenGL/RHI Laszlo Agocs The Qt Company Norway laszlo.agocs@qt.io
qtbase Qt GUI QPainter, QImage Eirik Aavitsland The Qt Company Norway eirik.aavitsland@qt.io
qtbase Qt GUI Fonts, text rendering and text layouts in QPainter and Scene Graph Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt The Qt Company Norway eskil.abrahamsen-blomfeldt@qt.io
qtbase Qt GUI Windowing system bits (QWindow, QPixmap, reference QPA plugins)
qtbase Qt GUI High-DPI Morten Sørvig The Qt Company Norway morten.sorvig@qt.io
qtbase Qt GUI QPA Tor Arne Vestbø The Qt Company Norway
qtbase Qt Network Mårten Nordheim The Qt Company Norway marten.nordheim@qt.io
qtbase Qt Network High-Level network access (HTTP etc) Mårten Nordheim The Qt Company Norway marten.nordheim@qt.io
qtbase Qt Network TLS (QSslSocket et al.) Timur Pocheptsov The Qt Company Norway timur.pocheptsov@qt.io
qtbase Qt Network Low-level access (Sockets, Hostname resolution, etc) Mårten Nordheim The Qt Company Norway marten.nordheim@qt.io
qtbase Qt OpenGL
qtbase Qt SQL Christian Ehrlicher Germany ch.ehrlicher@gmx.de
qtbase Qt SQL SQLite Andy Shaw The Qt Company Norway andy.shaw@qt.io
qtbase Qt Test Jason McDonald Australia macadder1@gmail.com
qtbase Qt Widgets Richard Gustavsen

Volker Hilsheimer

The Qt Company Norway richard.gustavsen@qt.io


qtbase Qt Widgets Layouts Jan-Arve Sæther The Qt Company Norway Jan-Arve.Saether@qt.io
qtbase Qt Widgets Styles Richard Gustavsen The Qt Company Norway richard.gustavsen@qt.io
qtbase Qt Widgets Graphics View Andreas Aardal Hanssen Norway andreas@hanssen.name
qtbase Qt Widgets Text handling Eskil Abrahamsen-Blomfeldt The Qt Company Norway eskil.abrahamsen-blomfeldt@qt.io
qtbase Qt Widgets Widgets & Dialogs Richard Moe Gustavsen The Qt Company richard.gustavsen@qt.io
qtbase Qt XML
qtcharts Qt Charts Miikka Heikkinen The Qt Company Finland miikka.heikkinen@qt.io
qtcoap Qt CoAP Sona Kurazyan Germany kurazyan.sona@gmail.com
qtconnectivity Qt NFC Aaron McCarthy Australia mccarthy.aaron@gmail.com
qtconnectivity Qt Bluetooth Alex Blasche The Qt Company Germany alexander.blasche@qt.io
qtdatavis3d Qt Data Visualization Tomi Korpipää The Qt Company Finland tomi.korpipaa@qt.io
qtdeclarative Qt QML Language & JS integration Ulf Hermann The Qt Company Germany ulf.hermann@qt.io
qtdeclarative Qt QML QML and C++ core API Ulf Hermann The Qt Company Germany ulf.hermann@qt.io
qtdeclarative Qt Quick Shawn Rutledge Norway
qtdeclarative Qt Quick Scene graph Andy Nichols The Qt Company Norway andy.nichols@qt.io
qtdeclarative Qt Quick Controls 2 Mitch Curtis The Qt Company Norway mitch.curtis@qt.io
qtdoc Norway
qtgraphs Qt Graphs Sami Varanka

Tomi Korpipää

The Qt Company Finland sami.varanka@qt.io


qtgrpc Qt GRPC
qtgrpc Qt Protobuf
qthttpserver Qt HTTP Server Mikhail Svetkin mikhail.svetkin@gmail.com
qtimageformats Qt Image Formats Eirik Aavitsland The Qt Company Norway eirik.aavitsland@qt.io
qtinterfaceframework Qt Interface Framwork Dominik Holland The Qt Company Germany dominik.holland@qt.io
qtlanguageserver Qt Language Server Language server protocol, including JsonRPC Fawzi Mohamed The Qt Company Germany Fawzi.Mohamed@qt.io
qtlottie Qt Lottie Rebecca Worledge USA becky.worledge@gmail.com
qtlocation Qt Location Alex Blasche The Qt Company Germany alexander.blasche@qt.io
qtpositioning Qt Positioning Alex Blasche The Qt Company Germany alexander.blasche@qt.io
qtmqtt Qt MQTT Maurice Kalinowski The Qt Company Germany maurice.kalinowski@qt.io
qtmultimedia Qt Multimedia Lars Knoll The Qt Company Norway lars.knoll@qt.io
qtnetworkauth Qt Network Authorization Jesús Fernández Electronic Arts Spain jsfdez@gmail.com
qtopcua Qt Opc Ua Frank Meerkötter basysKom GmbH Germany frank.meerkoetter@basyskom.com
qtqa Internal use
qtquick3d Qt Quick 3D Andy Nichols The Qt Company Norway andy.nichols@qt.io
qtquick3dphysics Qt Quick 3D Physics Jonas Karlsson The Qt Company Norway jonas.karlsson@qt.io
qtquickeffectmaker Qt Quick Effect Maker Kaj Grönholm The Qt Company Finland kaj.gronholm@qt.io
qtquicktimeline Qt Quick Timeline Thomas Hartmann The Qt Company Germany thomas.hartmann@qt.io
qtremoteobjects Qt Remote Objects Brett Stottlemyer Ford USA bstottle@ford.com
qtscxml Qt SCXML Ulf Hermann The Qt Company Germany ulf.hermann@qt.io
qtsensors Qt Sensors Lorn Potter Australia lorn.potter@gmail.com
qtserialbus Qt Serial Bus CAN Bus André Hartmann Germany aha_1980@gmx.de
qtserialbus Qt Serial Bus ModBus Karsten Heimrich The Qt Company Germany karsten.heimrich@qt.io
qtserialport Qt Serial Port
qtshadertools Qt ShaderTools Laszlo Agocs The Qt Company Norway laszlo.agocs@qt.io
qtspeech Qt TextToSpeech Volker Hilsheimer The Qt Company Norway volker.hilsheimer@qt.io
qtsvg Qt SVG
qttools Assistant & Qt Help Jaroslaw Kobus The Qt Company Germany jaroslaw.kobus@qt.io
qttools Designer and Qt UI Tools Friedemann Kleint The Qt Company Germany friedemann.kleint@qt.io
qttools Linguist & related tools Kai Köhne The Qt Company Germany kai.koehne@qt.io
qttools qdoc Topi Reiniö The Qt Company Norway topi.reinio@qt.io
qttranslations Oswald Buddenhagen Germany oswald.buddenhagen@gmx.de
qtvirtualkeyboard Qt Virtual Keyboard Jarkko Koivikko Code-Q Finland jarkko.koivikko@code-q.fi
qtwayland Qt Wayland Client David Edmundson UK davidedmundson@kde.org
qtwayland Qt Wayland Compositor Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeld The Qt Company Norway Eskil.Abrahamsen-Blomfeldt@qt.io
qtwebengine Qt WebEngine Allan Sandfeld Jensen The Qt Company Germany allan.jensen@qt.io
qtwebengine Qt PDF Shawn Rutledge The Qt Company Germany shawn.rutledge@qt.io
qtwebsockets Qt WebSockets Mårten Nordheim

Timur Pocheptsov

The Qt Company Norway marten.nordheim@qt.io


qtwebchannel Qt WebChannel Arno Rehn Menlo Systems GmbH Germany a.rehn@menlosystems.com
qtwebview Qt WebView Christian Strømme The Qt Company Norway christian.stromme@qt.io

Modules Unsupported in Qt 6

The following modules are either generally unsupported, or only supported up to Qt 5:

git repo Module Status Name Company Country Email
qtcanvas3d Qt Canvas 3D Pasi Keranen Finland
qtcloudmessaging Ari Salmi SnowGrains snowgrains@snowgrains.com
qtfeedback Qt Feedback Not supported Chris Adams Qinetic Australia chris.adams@qinetic.com.au
qtgamepad Qt Gamepad Andy Nichols The Qt Company Norway andy.nichols@qt.io
qtgraphicaleffects Qt Graphical Effects
qtpurchasing Qt Purchasing Eskil Abrahamsen Blomfeldt The Qt Company Norway eskil.abrahamsen-blomfeldt@qt.io
qtquickcontrols Qt Quick Controls
qtsystems Qt Publish and Subscribe Not supported since Qt 5 Alex Blasche The Qt Company Germany alexander.blasche@qt.io
qtsystems Qt Service Framework Not supported since Qt 5 Alex Blasche The Qt Company Germany alexander.blasche@qt.io
qtsystems Qt System Info Not supported since Qt 5 Lorn Potter Australia lorn.potter@gmail.com
qtwebkit Qt WebKit Not supported Konstantin Tokarev Russian Federation annulen@yandex.ru

Platform Maintainers

Qt supports many different platforms and operating systems. The people in this list have the final responsibility for Qt on a certain platform/operating system.

Platform Name Company Country Email
Android Bogdan Vatra KDAB Romania bogdan@kdab.com
Direct2D Louai Al-Khanji The Qt Company USA louai.al-khanji@qt.io
EGLFS Laszlo Agocs The Qt Company Norway laszlo.agocs@qt.io
iOS Tor Arne Vestbø The Qt Company Norway tor.arne.vestbo@qt.io
LinuxFB Laszlo Agocs The Qt Company Norway laszlo.agocs@qt.io
Linux/X11 Liang Qi The Qt Company Norway liang.qi@qt.io
macOS Tor Arne Vestbø The Qt Company Norway tor.arne.vestbo@qt.io
QNX James McDonnell BlackBerry Canada jmcdonnell@blackberry.com
tvOS Mike Krus KDAB UK mike.krus@kdab.com
watchOS Tor Arne Vestbø The Qt Company Norway tor.arne.vestbo@qt.io
Wayland David Edmundson UK davidedmundson@kde.org
WebAssembly Lorn Potter

Morten Sørvig


The Qt Company





WebGL Jesús Fernández Electronic Arts Spain jsfdez@gmail.com
Windows Desktop André de la Rocha

Oliver Wolff

The Qt Company Germany andre.rocha@qt.io


Windows Runtime Oliver Wolff The Qt Company Germany oliver.wolff@qt.io

Qt Creator Maintainers

Module Sub-Component Name Company Country Email
Qt Creator Eike Ziller The Qt Company Germany eike.ziller@qt.io
Code Pasting Needs Maintainer
Debugging & Profiling André Pönitz The Qt Company Germany andre.poenitz@qt.io
Debugging & Profiling CDB/MSVC David Schulz The Qt Company Germany david.schulz@qt.io
Debugging & Profiling GDB André Pönitz The Qt Company Germany andre.poenitz@qt.io
Debugging & Profiling Python Needs Maintainer
Debugging & Profiling QML Ulf Hermann The Qt Company Germany ulf.hermann@qt.io
Debugging & Profiling Valgrind André Pönitz The Qt Company Germany andre.poenitz@qt.io
Documentation Leena Miettinen The Qt Company Germany riitta-leena.miettinen@qt.io
FakeVim André Pönitz The Qt Company Germany andre.poenitz@qt.io
Plugin Manager & Core; Find & Locator; External tools Eike Ziller The Qt Company Germany eike.ziller@qt.io
Project Management & Targets Christian Kandeler The Qt Company Germany christian.kandeler@qt.io
Project Management & Targets Qbs Christian Kandeler The Qt Company Germany christian.kandeler@qt.io
Project Management & Targets Autotools Needs Maintainer
Project Management & Targets Generic Needs Maintainer
Project Management & Targets QMake Christian Kandeler The Qt Company Germany christian.kandeler@qt.io
Project Management & Targets CMake Cristian Adam The Qt Company Germany cristian.adam@qt.io
Project Management & Targets QML Thomas Hartmann The Qt Company Germany thomas.hartmann@qt.io
Project Management & Targets Remote Linux Christian Kandeler The Qt Company Germany christian.kandeler@qt.io
Qt Quick Designer Thomas Hartmann The Qt Company Germany thomas.hartmann@qt.io
Qt Help Integration Jaroslaw Kobus The Qt Company Germany jaroslaw.kobus@qt.io
Tests Robert Löhning The Qt Company Germany robert.loehning@qt.io
Text Editors & Language Support David Schulz The Qt Company Germany david.schulz@qt.io
Text Editors & Language Support C/C++ Christian Kandeler The Qt Company Germany christian.kandeler@qt.io
Text Editors & Language Support QML
Version Control Orgad Shaneh AudioCodes Israel orgads@gmail.com
Version Control Bazaar Needs Maintainer
Version Control ClearCase Orgad Shaneh AudioCodes Israel orgads@gmail.com
Version Control CVS Needs Maintainer
Version Control Git Orgad Shaneh AudioCodes Israel orgads@gmail.com
Version Control Mercurial Needs Maintainer
Version Control Perforce Needs Maintainer
Version Control Subversion Needs Maintainer
Welcome Mode Thomas Hartmann The Qt Company Germany thomas.hartmann@qt.io
Widget Designer Friedemann Kleint The Qt Company Germany friedemann.kleint@qt.io

Qt 3D Studio Maintainers

git repo Component Name Company Country Email
qt3dstudio UX Soili Väinämö The Qt Company Finland soili.vainamo@qt.io
qt3dstudio Editor application code Tomi Korpipää The Qt Company Finland tomi.korpipaa@qt.io
qt3dstudio Runtime 1.0 Antti Määttä The Qt Company Finland antti.maatta@qt.io
qt3dstudio Installer and Viewer app Miikka Heikkinen The Qt Company Finland miikka.heikkinen@qt.io
qt3d-runtime Runtime 2.0 Laszlo Agocs The Qt Company Norway laszlo.agocs@qt.io

Qt Installer Framework Maintainers

Module Component Name Company Country Email
Qt Installer Framework All Katja Marttila The Qt Company Finland katja.marttila@qt.io

Qt for Python Maintainers

Module Component Name Company Country Email
Qt for Python PySide, Build System, Tooling Cristián Maureira-Fredes The Qt Company Germany cristian.maureira-fredes@qt.io
Qt for Python Shiboken, Documentation Friedemann Kleint The Qt Company Germany friedemann.kleint@qt.io
Qt for Python All Christian Tismer Germany tismer@stackless.com
Qt for Python All Alexandru Croitor The Qt Company Germany alexandru.croitor@qt.io

CI Maintainers

Area Name Company Country Email
Coin Toni Saario The Qt Company Finland toni.saario@qt.io
HW/Virtualization Tony Sarajärvi The Qt Company Finland tony.sarajarvi@qt.io
Gerrit Gerrit Admin Team The Qt Company gerrit-admin@qt-project.org
Jira Jira Admin Team The Qt Company Jira-admin@qt-project.org