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Keyboard shortcuts and action

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Qt 3D Studio actions with and without keyboard shortcuts.

Actions with keyboard shortcuts

File Menu
Function Windows/Linux
New project Ctrl + Shift + N
New presentation Ctrl + N
Open Ctrl + O
Save Ctrl + S
Exit Ctrl + Q
Edit Menu
Function Windows/Linux
Undo Ctrl + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y or Ctrl + Shift + Z
Cut Ctrl + X
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Paste to master slide Ctrl + Alt + V
Duplicate Ctrl + D
Delete Del
Group objects Ctrl + G
Studio preferences Shift + U
Presentation settings Ctrl + Shift + U
View Menu
Function Windows/Linux
Fit selected F
Hide/unhide selected H
Show action palette Ctrl + Shift + A
Show basic objects palette Ctrl + Shift + B
Show inspector palette Ctrl + Shift + I
Show project palette Ctrl + Shift + P
Show slide palette Ctrl + Shift + D
Show timeline palette Ctrl + Shift + T
Show scene camera palette Ctrl + Shift + F
Show/hide bounding boxes Ctrl + B
Show/hide pivot point Ctrl + Alt + P
Rulers & guides Ctrl + R
Lock guides Shift + Alt + R
Clear guides Ctrl + Alt + R
Timeline Menu
Function Windows/Linux
Set changed keyframes Ctrl + Shift + K
Set interpolation I
Autoset keyframes K
Help Menu
Function Windows/Linux
Reference manual F1
Scene View
Function Windows/Linux
Toggle group/item select mode Q
Position mode W
Rotate mode E
Scale mode R
Constrain drag to axis Shift + mouse drag
Global/local manipulator Y
Autoset keyframes K
Camera Views
Function Windows/Linux
Perspective Ctrl + 2
Ortographic Ctrl + 3
Top Ctrl + 4
Bottom Ctrl + 5
Left Ctrl + 6
Right Ctrl + 7
Front Ctrl + 8
Back Ctrl + 9
Scene camera Ctrl + 1
Scene View Navigation
Function Windows/Linux
Fit selected F
Pan Alt + middle mouse drag
Zoom Alt + right mouse drag
Orbit Alt + left mouse drag
Function Windows/Linux
Shading L
Function Windows/Linux
Preview F5
Preview on remote device F6
Function Windows/Linux
Increment value by .1 Ctrl + Up/Down Arrow
Increment value by 1 Up/Down Arrow
Increment value by 10 Shift + Up/Down Arrow
Function Windows/Linux
Duplicate Ctrl + D
Delete Del
Copy Ctrl + C
Paste Ctrl + V
Cut Ctrl + X
Make component Shift + G
Edit component Ctrl + Shift + G
Copy object path Ctrl + Shift + C
Shy Shift + H
Hide H
Lock Ctrl + H
Add new layer Ctrl + L
Delete Del
Function Windows/Linux
Insert keyframe S
Cut selected keyframe Ctrl + X
Copy selected keyframe Ctrl + C
Paste keyframe Ctrl + V
Delete selected keyframe Del
Delete all channel keyframes Ctrl + Alt + K
Set changed keyframes Ctrl + Shift + K
Set timebar time Shift + T
Go to time Ctrl + Alt + T
Set interpolation I
Quick play Hold down spacebar
Toggle play/pause Enter
Set time bar start time to playhead position [
Set time bar end time to playhead position ]
Snap while dragging Shift + Mouse Drag
Move playhead to next minor tick mark .
Move playhead to previous minor tick mark ,
Move playhead to next medium tick mark Shift + .
Move playhead to previous medium tick mark Shift + ,
Zoom timeline in/out Alt + right mouse button + right/left mouse drag
Function Windows/Linux
Delete slide Del
Duplicate slide Ctrl + D
Function Windows/Linux
Delete action Del
New action Shift + A
Scene Camera
Function Windows/Linux
Pan Left mouse drag
Zoom Right mouse drag up/down or mouse scroll wheel

Actions without keyboard shortcuts

  • Revert
  • Open Import Assets dialog
  • Open Data Input dialog
  • Connect to device
  • Reset Layout
  • Toggle tooltips
  • Toggle Scene Preview
  • Toggle Scene Lighting
  • Change timebar color
  • Show Welcome Screen
  • Show About Qt 3D Studio window
  • Select Timeline tab
  • Select Scene Camera tab
  • Select Inspector tab
  • Select Action tab
  • Select Basic Objects tab
  • Select Slide tab

Timeline palette

  • Rename object
  • Show/Hide all timebar texts
  • Make animation dynamic
  • Set Keyframe time
  • Set Goto time
  • Select Controlling Data Input

Project palette

  • Show containing folder
  • Copy path
  • Copy full path
  • Edit Material
  • Duplicate Material
  • Delete Material
  • Create Material
  • Open file
  • Rename presentation
  • Edit presentation Id
  • Set as initial presentation
  • Refresh import
  • Open Effect Library
  • Open Font Library
  • Open Map Library
  • Open Material Library
  • Open Model Library
  • Open Behavior Library

Slide palette

  • Create slide
  • Select Controlling Data Input

Inspector palette

  • Import variant tags
  • Export variant tags
  • Create variant tag
  • Create variant group
  • Delete variant tag
  • Delete variant group
  • Rename variant tag
  • Rename variant group
  • Change variant group color