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Qt library cross dependencies

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Dependencies in Qt 4.

Some of the more advanced functions and modules Qt often need other modules (libraries) as prerequsites. The same holds for the many plugins that can extend functionality. The following tables list all these dependencies on a per module/per plugin base.

WARNING: The "Other Dependencies" column of the tables is not complete!

How to show dependencies

The way to show the dependencies varies from platform to platform. It's explained in detail in the Show_library_dependencies wiki article.

Qt libs

Library Qt Dependencies Other Dependencies
<. QtCore <. none (QtCore is the base of all) <. ?
<. QtGui <. QtCore <. ?
<. Qt3Support <. QtCore, QtGui, QtNetwork, QtSql, QtXml <. ?
<. QtDeclarative <. QtCore, QtGui, QtNetwork, QtOpenGL, QtScript, QtSql, QtSvg, QtXmlPatterns <. ?
<. QtDesigner <. QtCore, QtGui, QtScript, QtXml <. ?
<. QtDesignerComponents <. QtCore, QtDesigner, QtGui, QtScript, QtXml <. ?
<. QtHelp <. QtCore, QtGui, QtNetwork, QtSql, QtXml, libQtCLucene <. ?
<. QtMultimedia <. QtCore, QtGui <. ?
<. QtNetwork <. QtCore <. ?
<. QtOpenGL <. QtCore, QtGui <. ?
<. QtScript <. QtCore <. ?
<. QtScriptTools <. QtCore, QtGui, QtScript <. ?
<. QtSql <. QtCore <. ?
<. QtSvg <. QtCore, QtGui <. ?
<. QtTest <. QtCore <. ?
<. QtWebKit <. QtCore, QtGui, QtNetwork, phonon <. ?
<. QtXml <. QtCore <. ?
<. QtXmlPatterns <. QtCore, QtNetwork <. ?
<. phonon <. QtCore, QtGui <. ?
<. libQtCLucene <. QtCore <. ?



Library Qt Dependencies Other Dependencies
<. libqtaccessiblewidgets <. QtCore, QtGui <. ?
<. libqtaccessiblecompatwidgets <. QtCore, QtGui, Qt3Support, QtNetwork, QtSql, QtXml <. ?


Library Qt Dependencies Other Dependencies
<. libqgenericbearer <. QtCore, QtNetwork <. ?


Library Qt Dependencies Other Dependencies
<. libqcncodecs <. QtCore <. ?
<. libqjpcodecs <. QtCore <. ?
<. libqkrcodecs <. QtCore <. ?
<. libqtwcodecs <. QtCore <. ?


Library Qt Dependencies Other Dependencies
<. libphononwidgets <. QtCore, QtDesigner, QtGui, QtScript, QtXml, phonon <. ?
<. libqdeclarativeview <. QtCore, QtDeclarative, QtDesigner, QtGui, QtNetwork, QtOpenGL, QtScript, QtSql, QtSvg, QtXml, QtXmlPatterns <. ?
<. libqt3supportwidgets <. QtCore, Qt3Support, QtDesigner, QtGui, QtNetwork, QtScript, QtSql, QtXml <. ?
<. libqwebview <. QtCore, QtDesigner, QtGui, QtScript, QtWebKit, QtXml, (QtNetwork, phonon) <. ?


Library Qt Dependencies Other Dependencies
<. libqglgraphicssystem <. QtCore, QtGui, QtOpenGL <. ?
<. libqtracegraphicssystem <. QtCore, QtGui, QtNetwork <. ?


Library Qt Dependencies Other Dependencies
<. libqsvgicon <. QtCore, QtGui, QtSvg, QtXml <. ?


Library Qt Dependencies Other Dependencies
<. libqgif <. QtCore, QtGui <. ?
<. libqico <. QtCore, QtGui <. ?
<. libqjpeg <. QtCore, QtGui <. ?
<. libqmng <. QtCore, QtGui <. ?
<. libqsvg <. QtCore, QtGui, QtSvg, QtXml <. ?


Library Platform Qt Dependencies Other Dependencies
<. libphonon_qt7 <. Mac <. QtCore, QtGui, QtOpenGL, phonon <. QuickTime

Other backends are missing.


Library Qt Dependencies Other Dependencies
<. libqsqlite <. QtCore, QtSql <. ?
<. libqsqlmysql <. QtCore, QtSql <. libmysqlclient
<. libqsqlodbc <. QtCore, QtSql <. ?
<. libqsqlpsql. <. QtCore, QtSql <. libpq

Some more drivers are missing (db2, ibase, oci, tds).


The Qt docs contain instructions on how to deploy your application on a non-development machine. The general instructions can be found here. There are additional platform specific instructions for