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PySide Binding Generation Tutorial: Module 1 Creating the foo library

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English "French":http://qt-devnet.developpez.com/tutoriels/python/pyside/binding-shiboken/#LIII

Creating the foo library

This section presents the code and the build instructions for a very simple Qt-based library. The library will be used as the subject for this tutorial.

The Source Code

There is only one class in this foo library plus a


file which means that the build system used will be qmake based.

Save the files below in a directory called libfoo. Be aware that this directory will be referenced by the binding Makefile presented in a later section of this tutorial. If you want to use other names or paths, remember to change the binding Makefile accordingly. Blind copy’n’paste shortens your life.


#ifndef FOO_H
#define FOO_H

#include <QtCore/QtCore>

class Math : public QObject
 Math() {}
 virtual ~Math() {}
 int squared(int x);
#endif // FOO_H


#include "foo.h"

int Math::squared(int x)
 return x * x;


TARGET = foo
HEADERS ''= foo.h
SOURCES''= foo.cpp

To build the lib:

$ cd libfoo
$ qmake
$ make