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PySide Internationalization

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English 日本語

Internationalizing PySide programs

You will need to make a project file first: kalam.pro

SOURCES = main.py
TRANSLATIONS = i18n/en_GB.ts  i18n/eo_EO.ts

The two files in TRANSLATIONS will create two files for both languages (UK English and Esperanto here).

Now run:

# you can find this tool in Ubuntu in the package pyside-tools
$ pyside-lupdate kalam.pro

Now you have your translation files ready to be used with Qt Linguist per "this tutorial.":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/linguist-translators.html Load the .ts file, double click entries and type the translation, click the ? icon to mark them as finished then do File -> Release to compile a new .qm file. The translator uses the .qm files.

Adding translation support to your application is trivially easy:

 translator = QtCore.QTranslator()
 app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)

Will load the Esperanto translations.

Every QObject has a function called tr which returns the translated string. pyside-lupdate which we ran above, simply scans your sourcecode to find all instances where it's called. self.tr('sksddsl') QObject.tr('xyz') MyClassX.tr('nanana')