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Play Audio File Using Qt Mobility

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Play Audio File Using Qt Mobility


This article shows how to play audio file using "QMediaPlayer":http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qtmobility/qmediaplayer.html from Qt Mobility 1.1.

Project Configuration

Modify the project configuration .pro file by including Qt Mobility support:

<br />CONFIG ''= mobility<br />MOBILITY''= multimedia<br />

Source Code

  • .h

Include required headers:

<br />#include <QMediaPlayer><br />

Declare slot and private members:

<br />private slots:<br /> void statusChanged(QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus status);


QMediaPlayer '''m_pPlayer;<br />


Play a file located on the device:

<br />m_pPlayer = new QMediaPlayer(this);<br />connect(m_pPlayer, SIGNAL (positionChanged(qint64)), this, SLOT (statusChanged(qint64)));<br />//Select a file<br />m_pPlayer->setMedia(QUrl::fromLocalFile("e:SoundsDigitalGirl_Rules.mp3"));<br />//Set the volume<br />m_pPlayer->setVolume(50);<br />m_pPlayer->play();<br />

Implement the declared slot:

void MainWindow::statusChanged(QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus status)
if ( (QMediaPlayer::LoadedMedia == status) && m_pPlayer)