Qt wiki will be updated on October 12th 2023 starting at 11:30 AM (EEST) and the maintenance will last around 2-3 hours. During the maintenance the site will be unavailable.
Qt for Python Missing Bindings
PySide6 bindings for Qt 6.3
Using Qt version 6.3 documentation to find public API Qt types and test if the types are present in the PySide6 package. Similar report: https://gist.github.com/ethanhs/6c626ca4e291f3682589699296377d3a
This report was generated by running the following command:
python main.py
on the following date:
2022-07-25 09:41:30 GMT
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtcore-module.html
Number of types in QtCore: 235
Missing types in QtCore:
QAdoptSharedDataTag QAndroidActivityResultReceiver QAndroidBinder QAndroidIntent QAndroidParcel QAndroidService QAndroidServiceConnection QAnyStringView QAtomicInt QAtomicInteger QAtomicPointer QBEInteger QBaseIterator QBindable QByteArrayList QByteArrayView QCache QCborMap.ConstIterator QCborMap.Iterator QCborStreamReader.StringResult QConstIterator QContiguousCache QEventLoopLocker (is present in PyQt6) QException QFuture QFutureSynchronizer QFutureWatcher QGregorianCalendar QHashSeed QIterable QIterator QJalaliCalendar QJniEnvironment QJniObject QJsonObject QJulianCalendar QKeyValueIterator QLEInteger QMessageLogger (is present in PyQt6) QMetaSequence QMilankovicCalendar QModelRoleDataSpan QMultiMap.key_iterator QMultiMapIterator QMutableMultiMapIterator QNativeInterface.QAndroidApplication QObjectBindableProperty QObjectCleanupHandler (is present in PyQt6) QObjectComputedProperty QPartialOrdering QProcess.CreateProcessArguments QPromise QProperty QPropertyBindingError QPropertyChangeHandler QPropertyData QPropertyNotifier QRomanCalendar QScopeGuard QStaticByteArrayMatcher QStringTokenizer QStringView QTaggedIterator QThreadStorage QTypeRevision (is present in PyQt6) QUnhandledException QUntypedBindable QUtf8StringView QVariant (is present in PyQt6) QVariantConstPointer QVariantPointer QVariantRef QWinEventNotifier QtFuture QtFuture.WhenAnyResult QtLiterals qfloat16
Number of missing types: 77
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 5
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtgui-module.html
Number of types in QtGui: 206
Missing types in QtGui:
QAccessiblePlugin QAccessibleTableInterface QFileSystemModel (is present in PyQt6) QNativeInterface.QAndroidOffscreenSurface QNativeInterface.QCocoaGLContext QNativeInterface.QEGLContext QNativeInterface.QGLXContext QNativeInterface.QWGLContext QNativeInterface.QX11Application QOpenGLTexture QRasterPaintEngine QRgbaFloat QSupportedWritingSystems QVulkanDeviceFunctions QVulkanExtension QVulkanFunctions QVulkanInfoVector QVulkanInstance QVulkanLayer QVulkanWindow QVulkanWindowRenderer
Number of missing types: 21
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 1
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtnetwork-module.html
Number of types in QtNetwork: 52
Missing types in QtNetwork:
QDtlsClientVerifier.GeneratorParameters QSctpServer QSctpSocket
Number of missing types: 3
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtqml-module.html
Number of types in QtQml: 28
Missing types in QtQml:
QJSPrimitiveNull (is present in PyQt6) QJSPrimitiveUndefined (is present in PyQt6) QQmlEngineExtensionPlugin (is present in PyQt6) QQmlListProperty (is present in PyQt6)
Number of missing types: 4
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 4
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtquick-module.html
Number of types in QtQuick: 53
Missing types in QtQuick:
QNativeInterface.QSGD3D11Texture QNativeInterface.QSGMetalTexture QNativeInterface.QSGOpenGLTexture (is present in PyQt6) QNativeInterface.QSGVulkanTexture QQuickItem.ItemChangeData (is present in PyQt6) QQuickOpenGLUtils QQuickWindow.GraphicsStateInfo QSGImageNode (is present in PyQt6) QSGMaterialShader.GraphicsPipelineState (is present in PyQt6)
Number of missing types: 9
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 4
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtquickwidgets-module.html
Number of types in QtQuickWidgets: 1
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtquickcontrols2-module.html
Could not load PyQt6.QtQuickControls2 for comparison. Received error: module PyQt6 has no attribute QtQuickControls2.
Number of types in QtQuickControls2: 1
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtsql-module.html
Number of types in QtSql: 15
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtwidgets-module.html
Number of types in QtWidgets: 189
Missing types in QtWidgets:
QFormLayout.TakeRowResult (is present in PyQt6)
Number of missing types: 1
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 1
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtconcurrent-module.html
Could not load PyQt6.QtConcurrent for comparison. Received error: module PyQt6 has no attribute QtConcurrent.
Number of types in QtConcurrent: 2
Missing types in QtConcurrent:
Number of missing types: 1
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qthelp-module.html
Number of types in QtHelp: 16
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtopengl-module.html
Number of types in QtOpenGL: 46
Missing types in QtOpenGL:
QOpenGLFunctions_ES2 QOpenGLWidget
Number of missing types: 2
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtprintsupport-module.html
Number of types in QtPrintSupport: 8
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtsvg-module.html
Number of types in QtSvg: 4
Missing types in QtSvg:
QGraphicsSvgItem QSvgWidget
Number of missing types: 2
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtuitools-module.html
Could not load PyQt6.QtUiTools for comparison. Received error: module PyQt6 has no attribute QtUiTools.
Number of types in QtUiTools: 1
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtxml-module.html
Number of types in QtXml: 17
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qttest-module.html
Number of types in QtTest: 5
Missing types in QtTest:
Number of missing types: 1
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qt3dcore-module.html
Number of types in Qt3DCore: 25
Missing types in Qt3DCore:
Qt3DCore.Quick Qt3DCore.Quick.QQmlAspectEngine
Number of missing types: 2
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qt3dinput-module.html
Number of types in Qt3DInput: 25
Missing types in Qt3DInput:
Qt3DInput.QAbstractPhysicalDeviceProxy Qt3DInput.QInputDeviceIntegration
Number of missing types: 2
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qt3dlogic-module.html
Number of types in Qt3DLogic: 4
Missing types in Qt3DLogic:
Number of missing types: 1
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qt3drender-module.html
Number of types in Qt3DRender: 117
Missing types in Qt3DRender:
Qt3DRender.QDebugOverlay Qt3DRender.QTextureGenerator Qt3DRender.Render
Number of missing types: 3
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qt3danimation-module.html
Number of types in Qt3DAnimation: 26
Missing types in Qt3DAnimation:
Number of missing types: 1
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qt3dextras-module.html
Number of types in Qt3DExtras: 59
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtbluetooth-module.html
Number of types in QtBluetooth: 24
Number of missing types: 0
Total number of missing types: 130
Total number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 15
Total number of missing modules: 0
🥑 Stargate:~/dev/pyside-setup/tools/missing_bindings(env)(dev|✔) % cat missing_bindings_for_wiki_qt_io.txt
PySide6 bindings for Qt 6.3
Using Qt version 6.3 documentation to find public API Qt types and test if the types are present in the PySide6 package. Similar report: https://gist.github.com/ethanhs/6c626ca4e291f3682589699296377d3a
This report was generated by running the following command:
python main.py
on the following date:
2022-07-25 09:41:30 GMT
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtcore-module.html
Number of types in QtCore: 235
Missing types in QtCore:
QAdoptSharedDataTag QAndroidActivityResultReceiver QAndroidBinder QAndroidIntent QAndroidParcel QAndroidService QAndroidServiceConnection QAnyStringView QAtomicInt QAtomicInteger QAtomicPointer QBEInteger QBaseIterator QBindable QByteArrayList QByteArrayView QCache QCborMap.ConstIterator QCborMap.Iterator QCborStreamReader.StringResult QConstIterator QContiguousCache QEventLoopLocker (is present in PyQt6) QException QFuture QFutureSynchronizer QFutureWatcher QGregorianCalendar QHashSeed QIterable QIterator QJalaliCalendar QJniEnvironment QJniObject QJsonObject QJulianCalendar QKeyValueIterator QLEInteger QMessageLogger (is present in PyQt6) QMetaSequence QMilankovicCalendar QModelRoleDataSpan QMultiMap.key_iterator QMultiMapIterator QMutableMultiMapIterator QNativeInterface.QAndroidApplication QObjectBindableProperty QObjectCleanupHandler (is present in PyQt6) QObjectComputedProperty QPartialOrdering QProcess.CreateProcessArguments QPromise QProperty QPropertyBindingError QPropertyChangeHandler QPropertyData QPropertyNotifier QRomanCalendar QScopeGuard QStaticByteArrayMatcher QStringTokenizer QStringView QTaggedIterator QThreadStorage QTypeRevision (is present in PyQt6) QUnhandledException QUntypedBindable QUtf8StringView QVariant (is present in PyQt6) QVariantConstPointer QVariantPointer QVariantRef QWinEventNotifier QtFuture QtFuture.WhenAnyResult QtLiterals qfloat16
Number of missing types: 77
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 5
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtgui-module.html
Number of types in QtGui: 206
Missing types in QtGui:
QAccessiblePlugin QAccessibleTableInterface QFileSystemModel (is present in PyQt6) QNativeInterface.QAndroidOffscreenSurface QNativeInterface.QCocoaGLContext QNativeInterface.QEGLContext QNativeInterface.QGLXContext QNativeInterface.QWGLContext QNativeInterface.QX11Application QOpenGLTexture QRasterPaintEngine QRgbaFloat QSupportedWritingSystems QVulkanDeviceFunctions QVulkanExtension QVulkanFunctions QVulkanInfoVector QVulkanInstance QVulkanLayer QVulkanWindow QVulkanWindowRenderer
Number of missing types: 21
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 1
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtnetwork-module.html
Number of types in QtNetwork: 52
Missing types in QtNetwork:
QDtlsClientVerifier.GeneratorParameters QSctpServer QSctpSocket
Number of missing types: 3
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtqml-module.html
Number of types in QtQml: 28
Missing types in QtQml:
QJSPrimitiveNull (is present in PyQt6) QJSPrimitiveUndefined (is present in PyQt6) QQmlEngineExtensionPlugin (is present in PyQt6) QQmlListProperty (is present in PyQt6)
Number of missing types: 4
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 4
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtquick-module.html
Number of types in QtQuick: 53
Missing types in QtQuick:
QNativeInterface.QSGD3D11Texture QNativeInterface.QSGMetalTexture QNativeInterface.QSGOpenGLTexture (is present in PyQt6) QNativeInterface.QSGVulkanTexture QQuickItem.ItemChangeData (is present in PyQt6) QQuickOpenGLUtils QQuickWindow.GraphicsStateInfo QSGImageNode (is present in PyQt6) QSGMaterialShader.GraphicsPipelineState (is present in PyQt6)
Number of missing types: 9
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 4
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtquickwidgets-module.html
Number of types in QtQuickWidgets: 1
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtquickcontrols2-module.html
Could not load PyQt6.QtQuickControls2 for comparison. Received error: module PyQt6 has no attribute QtQuickControls2.
Number of types in QtQuickControls2: 1
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtsql-module.html
Number of types in QtSql: 15
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtwidgets-module.html
Number of types in QtWidgets: 189
Missing types in QtWidgets:
QFormLayout.TakeRowResult (is present in PyQt6)
Number of missing types: 1
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 1
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtconcurrent-module.html
Could not load PyQt6.QtConcurrent for comparison. Received error: module PyQt6 has no attribute QtConcurrent.
Number of types in QtConcurrent: 2
Missing types in QtConcurrent:
Number of missing types: 1
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qthelp-module.html
Number of types in QtHelp: 16
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtopengl-module.html
Number of types in QtOpenGL: 46
Missing types in QtOpenGL:
QOpenGLFunctions_ES2 QOpenGLWidget
Number of missing types: 2
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtprintsupport-module.html
Number of types in QtPrintSupport: 8
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtsvg-module.html
Number of types in QtSvg: 4
Missing types in QtSvg:
QGraphicsSvgItem QSvgWidget
Number of missing types: 2
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtuitools-module.html
Could not load PyQt6.QtUiTools for comparison. Received error: module PyQt6 has no attribute QtUiTools.
Number of types in QtUiTools: 1
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtxml-module.html
Number of types in QtXml: 17
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qttest-module.html
Number of types in QtTest: 5
Missing types in QtTest:
Number of missing types: 1
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qt3dcore-module.html
Number of types in Qt3DCore: 25
Missing types in Qt3DCore:
Qt3DCore.Quick Qt3DCore.Quick.QQmlAspectEngine
Number of missing types: 2
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qt3dinput-module.html
Number of types in Qt3DInput: 25
Missing types in Qt3DInput:
Qt3DInput.QAbstractPhysicalDeviceProxy Qt3DInput.QInputDeviceIntegration
Number of missing types: 2
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qt3dlogic-module.html
Number of types in Qt3DLogic: 4
Missing types in Qt3DLogic:
Number of missing types: 1
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qt3drender-module.html
Number of types in Qt3DRender: 117
Missing types in Qt3DRender:
Qt3DRender.QDebugOverlay Qt3DRender.QTextureGenerator Qt3DRender.Render
Number of missing types: 3
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qt3danimation-module.html
Number of types in Qt3DAnimation: 26
Missing types in Qt3DAnimation:
Number of missing types: 1
Number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qt3dextras-module.html
Number of types in Qt3DExtras: 59
Number of missing types: 0
Documentation link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtbluetooth-module.html
Number of types in QtBluetooth: 24
Number of missing types: 0
Total number of missing types: 130
Total number of missing types that are present in PyQt6: 15
Total number of missing modules: 0