Qt wiki will be updated on October 12th 2023 starting at 11:30 AM (EEST) and the maintenance will last around 2-3 hours. During the maintenance the site will be unavailable.
Qt Contributor Summit 2019 - QtCore
Session notes.
Calendaring & time
QList = QVector by default in Qt 6
s/QList/QVector/g before Qt 6 releaase to avoid merging nightmare
Not sure if to keep Qt5List. We need more evaluation about how much code breaks (e.g. when Creator, KDE port it)
QPair=std::pair => no brainer
QHash in terms of std::unordered_map: Lars, Peppe experimented on it, it "works", esp. after
Concerns regards std::unordered_map itself -- it's not great. Should we look at other unorderd_map implementations?
QMap => std::map, yes
QLinkedList => Qt5LinkedList
(Need to clarify what ends up in a Qt5Support library)
Do we need to provide generic accessors for arbitrary containers, esp. in the light of ranges added to C++20? (And what about things like toSet, toList, etc.?) Concerns raised by starting including std headers all over the place.
QString, QStringView, QByteArray
Split-up of QtCore
Legacy text codecs implementations in Qt are going to be dropped from Qt itself; anything but UTF- codecs will require 3rd party (ICU).
- QRecursiveMutex split from QMutex
- QWaitCondition & QReadWriteCondition improvements?
- Future of QFuture