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Google Summer of Code/2019/Project Ideas

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This page lists a number of ideas for potential Google Summer of Code 2019 projects. Also check existing bugs for more problems to solve.

This page's primary purpose is to help to give potential applicants ideas that they can build on to turn into applications for the program. Members of the community are encouraged to identify ideas for projects here, and whether they would be willing to act as a mentor for a student attempting the project.

Students can base their application on one of these ideas, or on an idea of their own if they prefer.


If you are thinking of applying for GSoC, please see our Google Summer of Code/Processes page which describes the way that we manage GSoC within Qt, so you know what we expect of students and Mentors.

Project Ideas

This is the list of projects. Please add projects using the GSoC idea template.


Port Qt to IncludeOS
Suggested By
Create a port of Qt to IncludeOS
Skills Required
Possible Mentors
IncludeOS allows you to run your application in the cloud without an operating system. IncludeOS adds operating system functionality to your application allowing you to create performant, secure and resource efficient virtual machines. IncludeOS applications boot in tens of milliseconds and require only a few megabytes of disk and memory.

Qt C++ to Python generator
Suggested By
Write a tool that allows Qt/C++ code to be translated to Qt/Python (PySide2)
Skills Required
C++, Python
Possible Mentors
A general tool that translate from C++ to Python is a really hard project, but the constraint of having a well formatted Qt/C++ project will simplify the process. The translation could even be partial, since there are many patterns that are easy and straightforward to do.