Qt wiki will be updated on October 12th 2023 starting at 11:30 AM (EEST) and the maintenance will last around 2-3 hours. During the maintenance the site will be unavailable.
Architecture | SH4 |
CPU | SH430 |
RAM | 512 MB |
GPU | Mali 400 |
Hardware acceleration | OpenGL ES 2.0 |
Qt 4.8 (eglnullws/QWS) | Supported, with OpenGL |
Qt 5.0 (eglfs/QPA) | Supported, with OpenGL |
Device Information
The ST7108 is made by STMicroelectronics [st.com].
- “The STi7108 provides a solution for operators to specify a range of high-performance, MPEG2 / H.264 / VC-1 STBs.”
- 1 [st.com]] STi7108 Advanced HD AVC decoder with 3D graphics acceleration
- STM SDK 3.5
- STLinux-2.4 [stlinux.com]
- sh4-linux crosstools from STM
- STM reference software SDK 3.5 is built on Host PC as conveyed in STM’s documentation given by STM’s Field Application Engineer.
- STM reference software SDK 3.5 is configured for “HDK7108_7108_LINUX”
- Can run STM’s “Test-Tool” on reference board to test OenGL ES 2.0 and media playback.
- The “sysroot” is located at “<STLinux-2.4 installation path>/STLinux-2.4/devkit/sh4/target”
Qt 4.8.0 EGLNullWS/QWS
Getting Qt 4.8.0 with STM patches and mkspecs
- Download ftp://ftp.stlinux.com/pub/stlinux/2.4/updates/SRPMS/stlinux24-target-qt-embedded-4.8.0-5.src.rpm
- Extract stlinux24-target-qt-embedded-4.8.0-5.src.rpm
- Extract qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.0.tar.gz
- Apply following patches on extracted qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.0 in given order
- qt-embedded-4.8.0-st200.patch
- qt-embedded-4.8.0-sh4.patch
- qt-embedded-4.8.0-armvX.patch
- qt-embedded-4.8.0-mmap.patch
- qt-embedded-4.8.0-add_SRC_OVER_rule.patch
- qt-embedded-4.8.0-add_window_console_message_from_javaScript.patch
- qt-embedded-4.8.0-reset_CacheLoadControlAttribute_to_default.patch
- qt-embedded-4.8.0-adds_for_webkit_jit.patch
- qt-embedded-4.8.0-directfb-enable-QT_NO_DIRECTFB_PREALLOCATED-QT_DIREC.patch
- qt-embedded-4.8.0-imagedecoderqt-Use-DirectFB-to-load-single-frame-ima.patch
- qt-embedded-4.8.0-st231_disable_fno-stack-protector.patch
- qt-embedded-4.8.0-Accelerate_QtWebKit_animated_images.patch
- Create folder named “linux-sh4-ST7108-g++” in “qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.0/mkspecs/qws”
- Get following files in “qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.0/mkspecs/qws/linux-sh4-ST7108-g++”
Compiling Qt 4.8.0
Set the development environment variables using following commands Configure, build and install Qt 4.8.0 as After the build succeeds set following environment variables before building any Qt Apps,
- QTDIR=/path/to/installation/directory/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.0-qws/
- PATH=/path/to/installation/directory/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.0-qws/bin/
Only QtBase module is tested.
Compiling Qt 5.0
One need to pass following “device-option“s
- CROSS_COMPILE=<STLinux-2.4 installation path>/STLinux-2.4/devkit/sh4/bin/sh4-linux-
Configure, build and install Qt 5.0 as After the build succeeds set following environment variables before building any Qt Apps,
- QTDIR=/path/to/installation/directory/qt-gitorious-opensource-src-5.0/
- PATH=/path/to/installation/directory/qt-gitorious-opensource-src-5.0/bin/
Before executing any Qt applications on target copy “/path/to/installation/directory/qt-gitorious-opensource-src-5.0” from host on target at “/path/to/installation/directory/qt-gitorious-opensource-src-5.0” on target file system