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Building QtJsonDb from Git

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Building QtJsonDb from Git



System Requirements

QtJsonDb is one of the addons of Qt 5, hence before building qtjsondb you need to build dependent modules - qtbase, qtxmlpatterns, qtjsbackend and qtdeclarative. See Building_Qt_5_from_Git for more information.

At this moment the only supported platforms for qtjsondb are Linux and Mac OS X


QtJsonDb depends on libedit and libicu(optionally):

QtJsonDb dependencies on Ubuntu/Debian:

sudo apt-get install libedit-dev
sudo apt-get install libicu-dev

QtJsonDb dependencies on Mandriva/ROSA/Unity:

urpmi 'pkgconfig(libedit)'
urpmi 'pkgconfig(libicu)'

Mac OS X

QtJsonDb depends on libicu(optionally).

Via "HomeBrew":http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/

You need to have HomeBrew installed at first.

brew install icu4c

Via "MacPorts":http://www.macports.org/

port install icu

Getting the source code

First clone the QtJsonDb git repository(for example, under



git clone git://gitorious.org/qt/qtjsondb.git qtjsondb

h3. Current temporary patch

Only for enable collation feature based on whether ICU header files are available or not on Mac.

h4. Mac OS X

For HomeBrew users, patch "this file":https://gist.github.com/2584990 or "download the patch directly":https://gist.github.com/gists/2584990/download .

git am~/Downloads/0001-tmp-patch-for-add-path-for-icu-on-mac-with-brew.patch

For MacPorts users, patch "this file":https://gist.github.com/2659021 or "download the patch directly":https://gist.github.com/gists/2659021/download .

git am ~/Downloads/0001-tmp-patch-for-add-path-for-icu-on-mac-with-macports.patch

h2. Qmakeing and building

Now start to qmake and make a shadow build:

cd ~/build/qtjsondb
~/build/qt5/qtbase/bin/qmake -o Makefile ~/dev/git/qtjsondb/qtjsondb.pro

If you have seen following output, then the ICU was enabled successfully:

Configuration tests:
 icu: yes
 libedit: yes

h2. How to run examples

Launch jsondb daemon in a terminal(the first):


Run the example code in another terminal(the second):

~/build/qt5/qtbase/bin/qmlscene ./simplelistmodel.qml

If want to clean the db files after running(in the first terminal):

cd~/dev/git/qtjsondb/examples/declarative rm *.db