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Qt Creator Keyboard Shortcuts

From Qt Wiki
Revision as of 14:37, 23 February 2015 by Maintenance script (talk | contribs)
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Note: This is a work in progress.

Shortcuts based on activity

Working with the editor

Activate Welcome mode CTRL + 1
Activate Edit mode CTRL + 2
Activate Debug mode CTRL + 3
Activate Projects mode CTRL + 4
Activate Help mode CTRL + 5
Activate Output mode CTRL + 6
Return to Edit mode ESCAPE
Switch current file CTRL + TAB
Toggle code declaration and definition F2
Toggle header file and source file F4
Toggle Side Bar ALT + 0
Toggle Build Issues pane ALT + 1
Toggle Search Results pane ALT + 2
Toggle Application Output pane ALT + 3
Toggle Compile Output pane ALT + 4
Force code completion CTRL + SPACE

Building and debugging

Start Debugging F5
Stop Debugging SHIFT + F5
Build current project CTRL + B
Build All CTRL + SHIFT + B

Shortcuts straight from the menu

File shortcuts

New File or Project CTRL + N
Open File or Project CTRL + O
Save current file CTRL + S
Save all CTRL + SHIFT + S
Close current file CTRL + W
Close all CTRL + SHIFT + W
Exit CTRL + Q

Edit shortcuts

| Undo | CTRL + Z |
| Redo | CTRL + Y |
| Cut | CTRL + X |
| Copy | CTRL + C |
| Copy line down | CTRL + ALT + DOWN |
| Copy line up | CTRL + ALT + UP |
| Paste | CTRL + V |
| Select All | CTRL + A

| Auto-indent Selection | CTRL + I |
| Rewrap Paragraph | CTRL + E, R |
| Visualize Whitespace | CTRL + E, CTRL + V |
| Enable Text Wrapping | CTRL + E, CTRL + W |
| (Un)Comment Selection | CTRL + / |
| Collapse | CTRL + < |
| Expand | CTRL + > |
| Find/Replace | CTRL + F |
| Open Advanced Find | CTRL + SHIFT + F |
| Find next | F3 |
| Find previous | SHIFT + F3 |
| Replace and Find next | CTRL + = |
| Go To Line | CTRL + L |

Build shortcuts

Build All CTRL + SHIFT + B
Build Project *CTRL + B*
Run CTRL + R
Open Build/Run Target Selector CTRL + T

Debug shortcuts

Start Debugging F5
Stop Debugging SHIFT + F5
Step Over F10
Step Into F11
Step Out SHIFT + F11
Reverse Direction F12
Snapshot ALT + D, ALT + S
Toggle Breakpoint F9

Tools shortcuts

Locate CTRL + K
Toggle Bookmarks CTRL + M
Previous Bookmark CTRL + ,
Next Bookmark CTRL + .
Switch Header/Source F4

Window shortcuts

Help shortcuts
