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< QtWebEngine
Revision as of 09:04, 12 April 2022 by Michal Klocek (talk | contribs) (typo in universal build)
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Building for Raspberry Pi

If you are interested in trying QtWebEngine with WebGL support on RasberryPi3 with the open source Vc4 driver see here.

Building on MacOS

Install build dependencies

QtWebEngine 5.x series require Python 2.7 which is not longer supported, therefore the easy way to obtain it is use pyenv.

brew install pyenv
pyenv install -l
pyenv install 2.7.18
pyenv global 2.7.18
pyenv init --path
export PATH="/Users/qt/.pyenv/shims:${PATH}"
ulimit -n 1200

Obtain Qt5 sources code

mkdir qt5
cd qt5

git clone git://code.qt.io/qt/qtbase.git
git clone git://code.qt.io/qt/qtdeclarative.git
git clone git://code.qt.io/qt/qtwebengine.git

cd qtwebenigne
git submodule update
cd ..

Configure compile for x86_64 or for arm64 (Big Sur)

mkdir -p build/qtbase
cd build/qtbase
../../qtbase/configure -opensource -confirm-license -verbose -prefix /Users/qt/install/5.15.release -release -force-debug-info -separate-debug-info -nomake tests -nomake examples -no-pch

Configure to cross-compile build (x86_64 -> arm64)

mkdir -p build/qtbase
cd build/qtbase
../../qtbase/configure -opensource -confirm-license -verbose -prefix /Users/qt/install/5.15.release -release -force-debug-info -separate-debug-info -nomake tests -nomake examples -no-pch -device-option QMAKE_APPLE_DEVICE_ARCHS="arm64"

Configure for unviersal build (x86_64, arm64)

mkdir -p build/qtbase
cd build/qtbase
../../qtbase/configure -opensource -confirm-license -verbose -prefix /Users/qt/install/5.15.release -release -force-debug-info -separate-debug-info -nomake tests -nomake examples -no-pch QMAKE_APPLE_DEVICE_ARCHS="x86_64 arm64"

Build qtbase

make -j12
make install
cd ..

Build qtdeclarative

mkdir qtdeclarative
cd qtdeclarative
/Users/qt/install/5.15.release/bin/qmake ../../qtdeclarative/
make -j12
make install

Build qtwebengine

mkdir qtwebengine
cd qtwebengine
/Users/qt/install/5.15.release/bin/qmake ../../qtwebengine/
make -j12
make install