Qt wiki will be updated on October 12th 2023 starting at 11:30 AM (EEST) and the maintenance will last around 2-3 hours. During the maintenance the site will be unavailable.
Qt for Python/GettingStarted/Windows
The Qt library has to be built with the same version of MSVC as Python and PySide2, this can be selected when using the online installer.
- Qt package from https://www.qt.io or a custom build of Qt (preferably Qt 5.9)
- Python from https://www.python.org/downloads/ (Python 3.6 or Python 2.7)
- MSVC2015 (for Python 3 on Windows), MSCVC2008 (for Python 2 on Windows)
- CMake from https://cmake.org/download/ (>= 3.1)
- libclang (required for the 5.9 and dev branches) from download.qt.io (>= 3.9)
- OpenSSL
- virtualenv (optional but recommended)
- Python sphinx package for documentation (optional, pip install sphinx)
Building from sources on Windows 10
The following steps are performed on the command prompt (cmd). A 64bit infrastructure is assumed in the procedure, but if the host is a 32bit environment it is possible to just download the proper architecture packages. The packages used on this process are:
- 7zip (7z1700-x64)
- Git (Git-
- CMake (cmake-3.10.2-win64-x64)
- Python (python-3.6.4-amd64)
- MSVC2015 (visualcppbuildtools_full)
- CLANG (libclang-release_39-windows-vs2015_64.7z)
- Qt 5.9.4 (qt-unified-windows-x86-3.0.2-online)
Setting up CLANG
- Download libclang, e.g.
- Extract the files, e.g. using 7zip
- Move the directory libclang to any desire path, e.g c:\, and then set an environment variable with the new path:
set LLVM_INSTALL_DIR=c:\libclang
Getting PySide2
- You must download git in order to clone the repository.
- Clonning the official repository
git clone --recursive https://codereview.qt-project.org/pyside/pyside-setup
- Checking out the version that we want to build, e.g. 5.9 (Keep in mind you need to use the same version as your Qt installation)
cd pyside-setup && git checkout 5.9
Building PySide2
- You must download Python to build PySide2 (3.6 is recommended)
- Check your Qt installation path, to specifically use that version of qmake to build PySide2.
e.g. E:\Qt\5.9.4\msvc2015_64\bin\qmake.exe
- Build can take a few minutes, so it is recommended to use more than one CPU core (e.g. 8). Remember to replace the paths to your current qmake path:
python setup.py build --qmake=E:\Qt\5.9.4\msvc2015_64\bin\qmake.exe --build-tests --ignore-git --jobs=8
Installing PySide2
- To install on the current directory, just run:
python setup.py install --qmake=E:\Qt\5.9.4\msvc2015_64\bin\qmake.exe --build-tests --ignore-git --jobs=8
Test installation
- You can execute one of the examples to verify the process is properly working.
- Remember to properly set the environment variables for Qt and PySide2.
python examples/examples/widgets/widgets/tetrix.py
Development happens in the 5.9 and dev branches of the pyside-setup repository. The top level repository has the following submodules:
- sources/pyside2-tools: uic, rcc tools
- examples/
Contributions follow the standard process. It is helpful to have debug binaries and/or symbols for Python available. On Windows, this is done by choosing Customized Installation when installing Python and ticking the respective check boxes. It is also recommended to use a Virtual Environment for testing to be able to always start from a clean base and avoid issues with write permissions in installations. On Windows an installation step may be required:
python -m pip install virtualenv python -m virtualenv testenv
The Virtual Environment is activated by·
CALL testenv\Scripts\activate.bat
Before building the first time, the module Sphinx should be installed into the virtual environment:·
pip install sphinx