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How to Store and Retrieve Image on SQLite

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Images or any files can be stored in a database. Here is one way to do it using the following steps:

  1. Read the system file into a QByteArray.
  2. Store QByteArray as a Binary Large Object in database.

For example :

 QFile file(fileName);
 if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) return;
 QByteArray byteArray = file.readAll();

QSqlQuery query;
 query.prepare("INSERT INTO imgtable (imgdata) VALUES (?)");

Now, the image/file can be retrieved like any other data

 QSqlQuery query("SELECT imgdata FROM imgtable");
 QByteArray array = query.value(0).toByteArray();

Creating a QPixmap from QByteArray :

 QPixmap pixmap = QPixmap();

It is done. Now the pixmap can be used in a Button as icon or in label etc.