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Revision as of 07:06, 20 June 2023 by Kkoehne (talk | contribs) (Added requirement to optimize images for size)
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When creating or updating Qt examples, developer should consider the best practises and guidelines listed in this document.

See also: Documentation Style for Examples.

Evaluate if the example is meaningful or should it be removed/merged


  • Check if there are similar examples for the same topic and consider if both are really needed or should they be merged.
  • Check also documentation on the topic and if that includes inline code snippet that would be adequate instead of complete example.
  • Ensure the example is included in the related examples-manifest.xml file and shown part of documentation. See https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/26-qdoc-configuration-example-manifest-files.html
    • If the example is not shown, consider moving it under tests/manual/examples.
    • Do not add examples to the examples-manifest.xml file that don't meet this guideline criteria.

No C++ or qml warnings


Consider also compiling with the more strict warning flags and fix possible issues they reveal especially if these are in the example code.

Use -Wall and consider -Wextra parameter: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Warning-Options.html
Use -Weverything compiler parameter: https://clang.llvm.org/docs/UsersManual.html#diagnostics-enable-everything
Visual Studio
Use /Wall compiler parameter: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/reference/compiler-option-warning-level

Qt6 best practises and changes


Leveraging C++17



  • Prefer making signal/slot connections using functor syntax over the string-based versions: https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/signalsandslots.html
    • For short (~5 lines of code) slots, consider using signal/slot connection with lambdas
    • Longer slot should be member functions

Naming the example

  • Don't add the Qt module name or the word "Example" to the example name. e.g. QtWidgets Application Example → Text editor application
    • Exception: If it's really not possible to clearly describe the example's functionality without using (part of) the module name, that can still be done (e.g. "Simple CoAP Client Example" from the Qt CoAP module).


  • Add example application to a suitable category using the
    macro, for example:
 \example My Graphical Application
 \examplecategory {Graphics}

This will end up as

   <entry name="category">Graphics</entry> 

in the <example> section of the relevant examples-manifest.xml file.
For further details see: https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt/qttools/+/447246

  • Example should typically belong to only one category. Consider what's the most essential feature that the example is teaching and pick the category accordingly.
    • If there isn't an appropriate category for the example, it can be left out. Such examples will be listed under category 'Other'.
    • In the description and tags (see below) you can add more information to make finding the example easy.

Acceptable categories

  • Application Examples
    • Larger examples which look modern
  • Connectivity
    • Bluetooth, IPC, MQTT, etc.
  • Graphics
    • Quick3D, Charts, etc.
  • Input/Output
    • XML, IO Device, etc.
  • Networking
    • HTTP, TCP, and UDP
  • Internationalization
  • Desktop
    • Typical traditional UI used with mouse
  • Mobile
    • Touch UI that adapts to different screen sizes
  • Embedded
    • One screen size touch based UI
  • Positioning & Location


  • Confirm that the example shows up in Qt Creator's Welcome screen.
  • Check that the example description text shown in Creator contains the right keywords for users to find it.
  • Add appropriate tags to the example; see below.


  • Tags are used to set additional keywords for the example.
  • This makes it easier to find them by searching in Qt Creator's example view
  • Common tags are for the UI stack (widgets, quick), and the 'main' module of the example.
    • Note that QDoc automatically adds tags for the Qt module, if not already set manually.
  • Don't add, as tags, information which is already part of the category, example name or description.
  • Don't add platform information in the tags


 \example My Example
 \meta tag {quick,network}

Visual Style


  • Screen shots taken with high dpi resolution, minimum image size 440x320.
    • Note: Images can be larger but should follow either 4:3 or 5:4 aspect ratio. Take meaningful image that gives an idea what the example is about.
  • Icons should be suitable for high dpi screen with minimum size of 64x64.
  • Image assets should have the minimum size rquired. See for instance Optimizing Images for advice.


  • Consider using Qt Quick over Qt Widgets but remember also dependency restrictions with module api examples.
  • Create example's qml part to be compatible with Qt Design Studio.
    • Define purely declarative qml files with .ui.qml file extension.
    • Test the project also in Qt Design Studio.
  • Layouts should be tested on multiple platforms (macOS, Linux, Windows, iOS, Android, Embedded Linux / EGLFS) with full HD target screen resolution.

Build System


  • Our users should be able to build with both qmake and CMake. Both build systems should therefore work.
  • Check that the example runs without any issues when opened in the Qt Creator welcome screen, on all platforms. If additional steps are necessary, or examples only run on some platforms, make sure that is is prominently stated in the example's documentation.
  • CMake
    • Do not use the 'find_package(QT NAMES Qt6 Qt5 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core)' pattern that is created for instance in CMakeLists.txt files created by Qt Creator wizards. This pattern is for keeping compatibility with Qt 5, which we don't strive for with Qt 6 examples.
    • Use qt_standard_project_setup() instead enabling AUTOMOC, AUTOUIC manually
    • Use PRIVATE linkage

You should be able to build each example, if its CMakeLists.txt and .pro files are correctly configured, using either of them. This should be possible using a standard build (with -no-make examples), building from the example's source in a git checkout (handy for verifying your improvements). With your build's qtbase/bin/ in your PATH, for cmake and qt-cmake, first cd to the directory in which you want the build artefacts.

With CMake
qt-cmake path/to/example/dir/ && cmake --build . --parallel
With QMake
qmake path/example/dir/whatever.pro && make


  • Avoid including (re)sources from outside the example directory, as examples should be self-contained.

Enable automated release testing

For enabling RTA testing add unique object names for all the UI objects



  • Do not use QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE … QT_END_NAMESPACE for example types. This namespace is exclusively for types in the Qt libraries, and for overloads of operators to apply to them. For forward declarations of those types, use QT_FORWARD_DECLARE_CLASS().
  • Verify if the example was ported to the Qt for Python project and if exists, notify the team with a comment on https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/PYSIDE-2206 with a link to the review of your changes.