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=CI Configurations=

==Test Configurations==
These are all the main configurations available. It doesn’t mean that all of these are built. Not even for the whole Qt5 project with all its submodules. When building submodules, the set of configurations can be even lower. To see which configuration is built currently, you can go to [http://testresults.qt.io/qtmetrics/ QtMetrics] ''[testresults.qt.io]'' and see the latest build status.
Also, any module built can overwrite any of these configurations. Luckily there aren’t that many of these, but it might affect the outcome compared to what you read below. For specific data concerning your sub module, go see the current status directly from the [https://qt.gitorious.org/qtqa/testconfig/trees/master/projects/ source] ''[qt.gitorious.org]''.
{| class="infotable line"
| blackberry-armle-v7-qcc_developer-build_Ubuntu_12.04_x64
| -confirm-license -developer-build -iconv -largefile -nomake examples -nomake tests -nomake tools -no-pch -no-rpath -opensource -release -shared -strip -v -sysroot $(base.dir)/ARCH/ARM/inst -prefix /usr/lib/qt5 -hostprefix $(base.dir)/ARCH/ARM/inst/host -hostdatadir $(base.dir)/ARCH/ARM/inst/host/usr/share/qt5 -datadir /usr/share/qt5 -headerdir /usr/include/qt5 -no-avx -no-cups -no-gcc-sysroot -no-sql-db2 -no-sql-ibase -no-sql-mysql -no-sql-oci -no-sql-odbc -no-sql-psql -no-sql-sqlite2 -no-sql-tds -no-sse2 -no-sse3 -no-ssse3 -no-sse4.1 -no-sse4.2 -opengl es2 -qpa qnx -qt-sql-sqlite -system-proxies -system-sqlite -xplatform blackberry-armle-v7-qcc
| blackberry-x86-qcc_developer-build_Ubuntu_12.04_x64
| -confirm-license -developer-build -iconv -largefile -nomake examples -nomake tests -nomake tools -no-pch -no-rpath -opensource -release -shared -strip -v -sysroot $(base.dir)/ARCH/x86/inst -prefix /usr/lib/qt5 -hostprefix $(base.dir)/ARCH/x86/inst/host -hostdatadir $(base.dir)/ARCH/x86/inst/host/usr/share/qt5 -datadir /usr/share/qt5 -headerdir /usr/include/qt5 -no-avx -no-cups -no-gcc-sysroot -no-sql-db2 -no-sql-ibase -no-sql-mysql -no-sql-oci -no-sql-odbc -no-sql-psql -no-sql-sqlite2 -no-sql-tds -no-sse2 -no-sse3 -no-ssse3 -no-sse4.1 -no-sse4.2 -opengl es2 -qpa qnx -qt-sql-sqlite -system-proxies -system-sqlite -xplatform blackberry-x86-qcc
| linux-android-g++_Ubuntu_12.04_x64
| -opensource -confirm-license -opengl es2 -no-qpa-platform-guard -xplatform android-g++ -android-ndk /opt/android/ndk -android-sdk /opt/android/sdk -android-ndk-host linux-x86_64 -android-toolchain-version 4.8
| linux-android-g++_Ubuntu_12.04_x64_tablet
| -opensource -confirm-license -prefix $(qt.install.dir) -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests
| linux-android_armeabi-g++_Ubuntu_12.04_x64
| -opensource -confirm-license -opengl es2 -no-qpa-platform-guard -xplatform android-g++ -android-ndk /opt/android/ndk -android-sdk /opt/android/sdk -android-ndk-host linux-x86_64 -android-toolchain-version 4.8 -android-arch armeabi
| linux-arm-gnueabi-g++_Ubuntu_11.10_x86
| -opensource -confirm-license -prefix $(qt.install.dir) -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests -silent -no-pch -force-debug-info -no-xcb -xplatform linux-arm-gnueabi-g++ -opengl es2 -D <span class="caps">MESA</span>_EGL_NO_X11_HEADERS -Wno-psabi
| linux-g++-32_Ubuntu_10.04_x86
| -opensource -confirm-license -prefix $(qt.install.dir) -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests -silent -no-pch -force-debug-info
| linux-g++-32_developer-build_Ubuntu_10.04_x86
| -silent -no-pch -developer-build -opensource -confirm-license -force-pkg-config -xcb -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests
| linux-g++_bin-pkg-config_Ubuntu_11.10_x86
| -opensource -confirm-license -release -nomake tests -nomake examples -qt-zlib -qt-libjpeg -qt-libpng -qt-xcb -sysconfdir /etc/xdg -plugin-sql-mysql -plugin-sql-psql -plugin-sql-sqlite -openssl -dbus -no-libudev -prefix $(qt.install.dir)
| linux-g++_developer-build_OpenSuSE_13.1_x64
| -opensource -confirm-license -prefix $(qt.install.dir) -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests -silent -no-pch -force-pkg-config -xcb -developer-build
| linux-g++_developer-build_qtnamespace_qtlibinfix_RHEL65_x64
| -silent -no-pch -developer-build -opensource -confirm-license -qtnamespace TestNamespace -qtlibinfix TestInfix -force-pkg-config -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests -no-gtkstyle
| linux-g++_developer-build_qtnamespace_qtlibinfix_Ubuntu_11.10_x64
| -silent -no-pch -developer-build -opensource -confirm-license -qtnamespace TestNamespace -qtlibinfix TestInfix -force-pkg-config -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests -no-gtkstyle
| linux-g++_no-widgets_Ubuntu_12.04_x64
| -opensource -confirm-license -prefix $(qt.install.dir) -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests -silent -no-pch -no-widgets -force-debug-info
| linux-g++_shadow-build_Ubuntu_11.10_x86
| -opensource -confirm-license -prefix $(qt.install.dir) -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests -silent -no-pch -force-debug-info -xcb -no-gtkstyle
| linux-g++_static_Ubuntu_12.04_x64
| -opensource -confirm-license -prefix $(qt.install.dir) -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests -silent -no-pch -release -static -skip qtwebkit -no-icu -nomake tests -nomake examples
| linux-imx6-armv7a_Ubuntu_12.04_x64
| <del>opensource -confirm-license -make tests -release -device linux-imx6-g++ -device-option <span class="caps">CROSS</span>_COMPILE=/opt/imx6/sysroots/x86_64-pokysdk-linux/usr/bin/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi/arm-poky-linux-gnueabi</del> -device-option <span class="caps">DISTRO</span>_OPTS=hard-float -sysroot /opt/imx6/sysroots/cortexa9hf-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi -no-xcb -v
| linux-qnx-armv7le_Ubuntu_12.04_x64
| -confirm-license -developer-build -iconv -largefile -no-pch -no-rpath -opensource -release -shared -strip -no-avx -no-cups -no-sql-db2 -no-sql-ibase -no-sql-mysql -no-sql-oci -no-sql-odbc -no-sql-psql -no-sql-sqlite2 -no-sql-tds -no-sse2 -no-sse3 -no-ssse3 -no-sse4.1 -no-sse4.2 -opengl es2 -qpa qnx -qt-sql-sqlite -system-proxies -system-sqlite -xplatform qnx-armle-v7-qcc -skip qtenginio -skip qtwebkit -skip qtwebkit-examples -skip qtwebsockets
| linux-qnx-x86_Ubuntu_12.04_x64
| -opensource -confirm-license -developer-build -opengl es2 -qpa qnx -xplatform qnx-x86-qcc
| macx-clang_OSX_10.7
| -opensource -confirm-license -prefix $(qt.install.dir) -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests -no-pch -release
| macx-clang_bin-pkg-config_OSX_10.7
| -opensource -confirm-license -debug-and-release -release -nomake tests -nomake examples -qt-zlib -qt-libjpeg -qt-libpng -platform macx-clang -sysconfdir /Library/Preferences/Qt -plugin-sql-mysql -plugin-sql-psql -plugin-sql-sqlite -plugin-sql-odbc -openssl -no-c++11 -dbus -prefix $(qt.install.dir) -pkg-config
| macx-clang_developer-build_OSX_10.9
| -no-pch -release -developer-build -opensource -confirm-license -force-pkg-config -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests
| macx-clang_developer-build_qtnamespace_OSX_10.7
| -no-pch -release -developer-build -qtnamespace TestNamespace -opensource -confirm-license -force-pkg-config -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests
| macx-clang_no-framework_OSX_10.8
| -silent -no-pch -opensource -confirm-license -force-pkg-config -make libs -make tools -nomake examples -nomake tests -debug -no-framework
| macx-clang_static_OSX_10.9
| -opensource -confirm-license -prefix $(qt.install.dir) -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests -no-pch -release -static -skip qtwebkit -no-icu -nomake tests -nomake examples
| macx-ios-clang_OSX_10.9
| -opensource -confirm-license -nomake examples -nomake tests -xplatform macx-ios-clang -no-pkg-config -release
| revdep-qtdeclarative_linux-g++_developer-build_qtnamespace_qtlibinfix_Ubuntu_11.10_x64
| -opensource -confirm-license -prefix $(qt.install.dir) -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests
| revdep-qtdeclarative_linux-g++_shadow-build_Ubuntu_11.10_x86
| -opensource -confirm-license -prefix $(qt.install.dir) -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests
| revdep-qtquickcontrols_linux-g++_developer-build_qtnamespace_qtlibinfix_Ubuntu_12.04_x64
| -silent -no-pch -developer-build -opensource -confirm-license -qtnamespace TestNamespace -qtlibinfix TestInfix -force-pkg-config -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests
| revdep-qtquickcontrols_linux-g++_shadow-build_Ubuntu_11.10_x86
| -opensource -confirm-license -prefix $(qt.install.dir) -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests
| win32-mingw47_developer-build_qtlibinfix_Windows_7
| -platform win32-g++ -opensource -confirm-license -developer-build -qtlibinfix TestInfix -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests -release -opengl desktop
| win32-mingw48_developer-build_qtlibinfix_opengl_Windows_7
| -platform win32-g++ -opensource -confirm-license -developer-build -qtlibinfix TestInfix -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests -release -opengl desktop
| win32-msvc2010_Windows_7
| -opensource -confirm-license -prefix $(base.dir)\\qt\\qtbase -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests -no-incredibuild-xge -release -opengl desktop
| win32-msvc2010_bin-pkg-config_Windows_7
| -opensource -confirm-license -debug-and-release -release -nomake tests -nomake examples -qt-zlib -qt-libjpeg -qt-libpng -angle -plugin-sql-mysql -plugin-sql-psql -plugin-sql-sqlite -plugin-sql-odbc -openssl -prefix $(base.dir)\\_install
| win32-msvc2010_developer-build_angle_Windows_7
| -opensource -confirm-license -developer-build -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests -no-incredibuild-xge -release
| win32-msvc2010_developer-build_qtnamespace_Windows_7
| -opensource -confirm-license -developer-build -qtnamespace TestNamespace -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests -no-incredibuild-xge -release -opengl desktop
| win32-msvc2010_opengl_dynamic_Windows_7
| -opensource -confirm-license -prefix $(base.dir)\\qt\\qtbase -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests -no-incredibuild-xge -release -opengl dynamic
| win32-msvc2010_static_Windows_7
| -opensource -confirm-license -prefix $(base.dir)\\qt\\qtbase -make libs -make tools -make examples -no-incredibuild-xge -release -opengl desktop -static -skip qtwebkit -no-icu -nomake tests -nomake examples
| win64-msvc2012_developer-build_qtnamespace_Windows_81
| -opensource -confirm-license -developer-build -qtnamespace TestNamespace -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests -no-incredibuild-xge -release
| win64-msvc2013_developer-build_qtnamespace_Windows_81
| -opensource -confirm-license -developer-build -qtnamespace TestNamespace -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests -no-incredibuild-xge -release
| wince70embedded-armv4i-msvc2008_Windows_7
| -opensource -confirm-license -prefix $(base.dir)\\qt\\qtbase -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests -no-incredibuild-xge -release -platform win32-msvc2008 -xplatform wince70embedded-armv4i-msvc2008 -no-accessibility -opengl es2 -rtti
| winphone-arm-msvc2013_Windows_81
| -opensource -confirm-license -prefix $(qt.install.dir) -make libs -make tools -make examples -make tests -no-incredibuild-xge -release -platform win32-msvc2013 -xplatform winphone-arm-msvc2013 -skip qtwebkit
| winrt-x64-msvc2013_Windows_81
| -opensource -confirm-license -prefix $(qt.install.dir) -make libs -make examples -make tests -no-incredibuild-xge -release -platform win32-msvc2013 -xplatform winrt-x64-msvc2013 -skip qtwebkit
==Partially Deployed Test Configurations==
A test configuration is partially deployed if it is being executed for at least some Qt5 modules,<br /> but the results are not (yet) enforcing for all Qt5 modules.
The rolling out of new CI configurations is a staggered process. With respect to Qt5, usually the process is like this:
* build the machines and test environments, do some manual testing (e.g. compilation of <code>qtbase</code>).
* deploy the configuration into CI for all Qt5 modules, but put it in “<code>forcesuccess</code>” and “<code>qt.tests.insignificant</code>” mode
** this means that compilation is done but the result is discarded, and autotests are run but the results are discarded
* periodically (e.g. daily), check the results of the new configuration. Remove “<code>forcesuccess</code>” and/or “<code>qt.tests.insignificant</code>” for all passing modules.
** feature branches are usually not handled by themselves but rather kept equal to their eventual target branch. For example the “QtBase accessibility-refactor Integration” project should keep the same configuration as “QtBase master Integration”. The reason is that, when we are testing feature branches, part of the reason for performing the test is to determine whether or not the branch is ready for merging. This is undermined if the test configuration is not identical.
* try to solve all the problems in the new configurations or raise tasks for developers to solve them.
One of the goals of adding test configurations in this way is to ensure they are integrated into the system seamlessly and do not disrupt the flow of incoming changes.
To see the current situation of the enforcing compilations or marking tests as insignificant go to the [http://testresults.qt.io/qtmetrics/ Qt Metrics] ''[testresults.qt.io]'' page.
* [[:Category:Developing Qt|Developing_Qt]]
** [[:Category:Developing Qt::QA|QA]]

Revision as of 10:30, 24 February 2015