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'''''<span class="caps">NOTE</span>:''' As of 2014-10-04, these guides are old and no longer maintained. Use the official examples instead:''

* [http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/all-examples.html List of Qt Examples] ''[qt.io]''
* [http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtquick-codesamples.html List of Qt Quick Examples] ''[qt.io]''
=Qt Developer Guides=
Welcome to the Qt Developer Guides page. These guides and tutorials are meant to inform you about the various aspects of application development, by walking you through the development process for applications that has features relevant to the topics discussed in each guide. Each guide is split into several chapters consisting multiple steps. Each step describes specific features of the application, the development approach, and detailed code used for the application being implemented.
==Help us help you==
We would appreciate any feedback or comments from you that can help us improve the content of these guides. To provide your feedback, create a bug on the ‘Documentation’ component in the [http://bugreports.qt.io Qt Bug Tracker] ''[bugreports.qt.io]''.
If you have ideas or suggestions and would like to contribute to the guides, consider starting your work on the [http://gitorious.org/qt-learning/learning-guides Learning Guides repository on Gitorius] ''[gitorious.org]''
==Introduction to Application Development with Qt Quick==
This tutorial explains the basics of developing applications with Qt Quick by providing a code walkthrough of complete applications. The tutorial extends the standard Qt Quick documentation provided in Qt and relies on it as a source of more detailed information about Qt Quick <span class="caps">API</span>s and fundamental concepts.
This tutorial is thought to provide in-depth content as a prerequisite for those of you who are new to Qt Quick. Even though it starts with the basics, you must be familiar with principles of programming to follow the guide. Basic knowledge of JavaScript is highly recommended.<br /> After completing this tutorial, you should be able to write your own Qt Quick applications and start discovering more by reading advanced materials or analyzing the code of complex applications.
Download this guide in your preferred format:<br />[http://download.qt.io/learning/developerguides/qtquickappdevintro/QtQuickAppDevIntro.epub ePub] ''[download.qt.io]''<br />[http://download.qt.io/learning/developerguides/qtquickappdevintro/QtQuickAppDevIntro.pdf <span class="caps">PDF</span>] ''[download.qt.io]''<br />[http://download.qt.io/learning/developerguides/qtquickappdevintro/QtQuickAppDevIntro.qch Qt Help] ''[download.qt.io]''
Download the source code of the examples discussed in the guide:<br />[http://download.qt.io/learning/developerguides/qtquickappdevintro/qt_quick_app_dev_intro_src.zip Example] ''[download.qt.io]''
==Qt Quick Application Developer Guide for Desktop==
Qt Quick Application Developer Guide for Desktop guides you through the entire process of developing a feature-rich application that you can deploy onto various desktop platforms. This guide walks you through the implementation of a simple application called, NoteApp, inspired by the modern fluid UIs. NoteApp is a tool for managing daily notes. It uses various advanced UI concepts including animations, database storage, and JavaScript usage for application logic rather than common well-known UI Elements used in desktop applications, such as toolbars, menus, and dialogs.
Download this guide in your preferred format:<br />[http://download.qt.io/learning/developerguides/qtquickdesktop/QtQuickApplicationGuide4Desktop.epub ePub] ''[download.qt.io]''<br />[http://download.qt.io/learning/developerguides/qtquickdesktop/QtQuickApplicationGuide4Desktop.pdf <span class="caps">PDF</span>] ''[download.qt.io]''<br />[http://download.qt.io/learning/developerguides/qtquickdesktop/QtQuickApplicationGuide4Desktop.qch Qt Help] ''[download.qt.io]''
Download the source code of the application discussed in the guide:
[http://download.qt.io/learning/developerguides/qtquickdesktop/notezapp_src.zip NotezApp] ''[download.qt.io]''
==Qt Quick Painting using Canvas Item==
The goal of this tutorial provides the best programming practices about using the Canvas Item in Qt Quick 2.0 as part of Qt 5. A prerequisite to this guide is to have a solid understanding of the <span class="caps">QML</span> language, so we recommend you to get the <span class="caps">QML</span> basics right by reading the [http://doc.qt.io/qt-5.0/qtquick/qtquick-index.html Qt Quick 2 documentation] ''[qt.io]''. Throughout this tutorial, we’ll walk you through various aspects and examples of Qt Quick 2.0 Painting <span class="caps">API</span> with Canvas. References to other information sources are provided to make it easy for you to deepen your understanding about the <span class="caps">API</span>.
Download this guide in your preferred format:<br />[http://download.qt.io/learning/developerguides/canvastutorial/QtQuickCanvasTutorial.epub ePub] ''[download.qt.io]''<br />[http://download.qt.io/learning/developerguides/canvastutorial/QtQuickCanvasTutorial.pdf <span class="caps">PDF</span>] ''[download.qt.io]''<br />[http://download.qt.io/learning/developerguides/canvastutorial/QtQuickCanvasTutorial.qch Qt Help] ''[download.qt.io]''
Download the source code of the examples discussed in the tutorial:<br />[http://download.qt.io/learning/developerguides/canvastutorial/canvasexample_src.zip Example] ''[download.qt.io]''
==Particles and Graphics Effects in Qt Quick 2==
The goal of this tutorial is to introduce you to some of the features of Qt Quick 2 for implementing animations and graphical effects. Mainly, this tutorial provides an overview of how to use the Particles module in Qt Quick 2 as well as ShaderEffects for advanced graphical effects.
Download this guide in your preferred format:<br />[http://download.qt.io/learning/developerguides/qteffects/ParticlesTutorial.epub ePub] ''[download.qt.io]''<br />[http://download.qt.io/learning/developerguides/qteffects/ParticlesTutorial.pdf <span class="caps">PDF</span>] ''[download.qt.io]''<br />[http://download.qt.io/learning/developerguides/qteffects/ParticlesTutorial.qch Qt Help] ''[download.qt.io]''
Download the source code of the examples discussed in the guide:<br />[http://download.qt.io/learning/developerguides/qteffects/particles_src.zip Example] ''[download.qt.io]''
==Developing an arcade game with Qt3D==
This guide will walk you through the creation of a small 3D arcade game using <span class="caps">QML</span>. Besides the developement process of a game in Qt Quick, it will show you how to create and use 3D content in your application. This tutorial provides an overview of the Qt3D <span class="caps">QML</span> <span class="caps">API</span> and will show you how to efficiently use its elements in your Qt Quick program.
Note: Qt 3D is not part of the Qt 5 binary package. You must build Qt 3D from its [http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qt3d source] ''[qt.gitorious.org]'' if you want to try out the game application discussed in this guide.
Download this guide in your preferred format:<br />[http://download.qt.io/learning/developerguides/gamedevelopmentqt3d/GameDevelopmentQt3D.epub ePub] ''[download.qt.io]''<br />[http://download.qt.io/learning/developerguides/gamedevelopmentqt3d/GameDevelopmentQt3D.pdf <span class="caps">PDF</span>] ''[download.qt.io]''<br />[http://download.qt.io/learning/developerguides/gamedevelopmentqt3d/GameDevelopmentQt3D.qch Qt Help] ''[download.qt.io]''
Download the source code of the examples discussed in the guide:<br />[http://download.qt.io/learning/developerguides/gamedevelopmentqt3d/completegame_src.zip Source Code] ''[download.qt.io]''
==Qt OpenGL Tutorial==
This tutorial provides a basic introduction to OpenGL and 3D computer graphics in general. It shows how to make use of Qt and its OpenGL-related classes to create 3D graphics by using the OpenGL’s programmable pipeline. The tutorial provides many examples that go through the basic features of OpenGL programming, such as rendering, texture mapping, lighting, and so on. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a good understanding of how OpenGL works and you will also be able to write custom shader programs.
Download this guide in your preferred format:<br />[http://download.qt.io/learning/developerguides/qtopengltutorial/OpenGLTutorial.epub ePub] ''[download.qt.io]''<br />[http://download.qt.io/learning/developerguides/qtopengltutorial/OpenGLTutorial.pdf <span class="caps">PDF</span>] ''[download.qt.io]''<br />[http://download.qt.io/learning/developerguides/qtopengltutorial/OpenGLTutorial.qch Qt Help] ''[download.qt.io]''
Download the source code of the examples discussed in the guide:<br />[http://download.qt.io/learning/developerguides/qtopengltutorial/opengl_src.zip Examples] ''[download.qt.io]''
* [[:Category:Learning|Learning]]
** [[:Category:Learning::Links and Material|Links_and_Material]]

Revision as of 15:17, 14 January 2015