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QML Scrolling Digits: Difference between revisions

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(YouTube links)
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'''English''' [[QML_Scrolling_Digits_Bulgarian|Български]]
'''English''' [[QML_Scrolling_Digits_Bulgarian|Български]]

[toc align_right="yes" depth="3"]

= How to create scrolling digits component =
= How to create scrolling digits component =
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Here is one way to easily create a scrolling digits component.
Here is one way to easily create a scrolling digits component.

[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLE4FdGc12U YouTube Video]

== Code ==
== Code ==

Revision as of 07:02, 13 April 2015

English Български

How to create scrolling digits component

Here is one way to easily create a scrolling digits component.

YouTube Video


First we create a component for digits:


import QtQuick 1.1

Rectangle {
 id: digitItem
 width: size
 height: size

clip: true

gradient: Gradient {
 GradientStop {
 position: 0.0
 color: "black"

GradientStop {
 position: 0.5
 color: "#222222"

GradientStop {
 position: 1.0
 color: "black"

border.color: "black"
 border.width: 1

property int digit: 0
 property int size: 20

onDigitChanged: { digitPath.currentIndex = digit; }

PathView {
 id: digitPath

width: digitItem.size
 height: digitItem.size * 10

interactive: false

anchors.centerIn: parent

model: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]

delegate: Text {
 width: digitItem.size
 height: digitItem.size

text: modelData;

color: "white";

horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter;
 verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter;

font.pointSize: digitItem.size-4;

preferredHighlightBegin: 0.5
 preferredHighlightEnd: 0.5

path: Path {
 startX: digitPath.width / 2
 startY: 0

PathLine { x: digitPath.width / 2; y: digitPath.height }

The component is just a Rectangle with gradient. In its center we place a PathView and set clipping to true, so only the selected digit will be visible.

Than we create the ScrollingDigits component:


import QtQuick 1.1

Row {
 id: scrollingDigits

property int number: 0
 property int positions: 5

Repeater {
 id: rep

model: scrollingDigits.positions

Digit {

onNumberChanged: {

var tmp = number

for( var i = 0; i < positions; ++i ) {
 rep.itemAt( positions - i - 1).digit = tmp % 10
 tmp = Math.floor( tmp / 10 )

We add two properties to Row: number and positions . number contains the number we want to display and positions is the number of digits we want.



import QtQuick 1.1

 width: 400
 height: 400

color: "gray"

ScrollingDigits {
 anchors.centerIn: parent

positions: 4

NumberAnimation on number {
 from: 15; to: 100
 duration: 50000