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Category:Tools::QtCreator: Difference between revisions

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'''English''' [[:Category:Tools::QtCreator German|Deutsch]] [[:Category:Tools::QtCreator Spanish|Español]] [[:Category:Tools::QtCreator Portuguese|Português]] [[:Category:Tools::QtCreator Russian|Русском]] [[:CategoryToolsQtCreator Italian|Italiano]] [[:CategoryToolsQtCreator Hungarian|Magyar]] [[:Category:Tools::QtCreator Arabic|عربي]] [[:Category:Tools::QtCreator Persian|فارسی]] [[:Category:Tools::QtCreator Greek|Ελληνικά]]
For an overview, see the [[Qt Creator]] page.
=Qt Creator=
Qt Creator is a cross-platform <span class="caps">IDE</span> (integrated development environment) tailored to the needs of Qt developers.<br /> It is part of the [http://www.qt.io Qt Project] ''[qt.io]'' .
==Advanced code editor==
Qt Creator focuses on providing features that help new Qt users get up and running faster, <br /> and also boost the productivity of experienced Qt developers.
* Code editor with C++, <span class="caps">QML</span> and <span class="caps">ECMA</span>script support
* Rapid code navigation tools
* Syntax highlighting and code completion
* Static code checking and style hints as you type
* Support for source code refactoring
* Context sensitive help
* Code folding
* Parenthesis matching and parenthesis selection modes
==Visual debugger==
The visual debugger for C++ is aware of the structure of many Qt classes, thus increasing its ability to display Qt’s data clearly. <br /> In addition, Qt Creator displays the raw information from <span class="caps">GDB</span> in a clear and concise manner.
* Interrupt program execution.
* Step through the program line-by-line or instruction-by-instruction.
* Set breakpoints.
* Examine call stack contents, watchers, and local and global variables.
==<span class="caps">GUI</span> designers==
Integrated <span class="caps">GUI</span> layout and forms builder for C++ projects, which allows you to rapidly design and build widgets and dialogs using on-screen forms using the same widgets that will be used in your application. Forms are fully-functional, and they can be previewed immediately to ensure that they will look and feel exactly as you intended.
==Installing Qt Creator==
If you are interested in using Qt Creator for development, check our [http://qt.io/download#qt-creator download page] ''[qt.io]'' or look for [[VendorPackages|Vendor Packages]].
If you want to check out the latest features, fetch the latest source snapshots for the [http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-creator/qt-creator/archive-tarball/master master] ''[qt.gitorious.org]'' or one of the other branches. Alternatively, we provide nightly updated [http://download.qt.io/snapshots/qtcreator/ binary snapshot builds] ''[download.qt.io]''.
If you want to participate in the development of Qt Creator, see the section on contributing to Qt Creator below.
==Contributing to Qt Creator==
We mostly follow the process and guidelines used for Qt itself that you can find in the [[:Category:Developing Qt::Guidelines|Qt Contribution Guidelines]]. Please find detailed information about the process there. There is also a work-in-progress draft on [http://doc.qt.digia.com/qtcreator-extending Extending Qt Creator] ''[doc.qt.digia.com]''. Apart from contributing code, you can also help us by testing Qt Creator on the platform of your choice, see [[:Category:Tools::QtCreator::QualityAssurance|Qt Creator Quality Assurance]]. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact us e.g. at the [irc://irc.freenode.org/#qt-creator #qt-creator] ''[irc.freenode.org]'' <span class="caps">IRC</span> channel on Freenode or on [http://lists.qt.io/mailman/listinfo/qt-creator our mailing list] ''[lists.qt.io]''. (For a full list of <span class="caps">IRC</span> channels see [[OnlineCommunities]].)
See the [https://qt.gitorious.org/qt-creator QtCreator project on gitorious] ''[qt.gitorious.org]'' for cloning the git repository.
==Documentation on experimental features==
* [http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/pages/QtCreatorSymbianLinux Building Symbian Applications under Linux using Qt Creator] ''[qt.gitorious.org]''
==Questions and Feedback==
If you have any problems, please look through our [[QtCreatorFAQ|Frequently Asked Questions]] first. If your problems persist, scan the [http://lists.qt.io/mailman/listinfo/qt-creator Qt Creator mailing list] ''[lists.qt.io]'' archive (the old list is [http://lists.qt.io/mailman/listinfo/qt-creator here] ''[lists.qt.io]''). If that doesn’t help, have a look at our [https://bugreports.qt.io/secure/Dashboard.jspa/ Bug Tracker] ''[bugreports.qt.io]'' to check if it is a known problem, or to create a bug report. Finally, you can ask on the Qt Creator mailing list (you need to subscribe first). You can also try to ask questions at the [irc://irc.freenode.org/#qt-creator #qt-creator] ''[irc.freenode.org]'' <span class="caps">IRC</span> channel on Freenode where you will find both Qt Creator developers and Qt Creator users.
* [http://qt.io/download Download] ''[qt.io]''
* [http://www.qt.io Qt Project page] ''[qt.io]''
* [https://bugreports.qt.io/secure/Dashboard.jspa Bugtracker] ''[bugreports.qt.io]''
* [http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-creator Gitorious page] ''[qt.gitorious.org]''
* [http://codereview.qt.io Code review tool] ''[codereview.qt.io]''
* [http://blog.qt.io Qt Labs blog posts] ''[blog.qt.io]''
* [http://forum.qt.io Forum page on Qt Developer network] ''[qt.io]''
===External Links===
[http://psconboard.blogspot.com/2011/07/autotools-project-manager-part-1.html Autotools Project Manager, part 1: Understanding QtCreator’s Project Explorer] ''[psconboard.blogspot.com]''
[http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/Qt_Creator_Embedded_Debugging_Setup Qt Creator Embedded Debugging Setup] ''[processors.wiki.ti.com]''
There are 3 subcategories for this category
* [[:Category:Tools::QtCreator::QualityAssurance|QualityAssurance]]
===There are 63 articles in "Tools -&gt; QtCreator":===
* [[:Category::Tools::QtCreator::Arabic|Category -&gt; Tools -&gt; QtCreator -&gt; Arabic]]===B===
* [[Building-Qt-Creator-Packages|Building Qt Creator Packages]]
* [[Build Static Qt For Windows With Gcc German|Build_Static_Qt_For_Windows_With_Gcc_German]]===C===
* [[:CategoryToolsQtCreator Arabic|CategoryToolsQtCreator_Arabic]]
* [[:CategoryToolsQtCreator Hungarian|CategoryToolsQtCreator_Hungarian]]
* [[CODA 4.0.23 vs. Creator 2.3|CODA_4.0.23_vs._Creator_2.3]]
* [[Code Completion|Code_Completion]]===H===
* [[Harmattan Booster for Qt Quick Applications|Harmattan_Booster_for_Qt_Quick_Applications]]
* [[How to build a static Qt version for Windows with gcc|How_to_build_a_static_Qt_version_for_Windows_with_gcc]]
* [[How To Build Qt Creator From Source|How_To_Build_Qt_Creator_From_Source]]
* [[How to configure Qt Creator to work with real devices|How_to_configure_Qt_Creator_to_work_with_real_devices]]
* [[How to configure Qt Creator to work with real devices Bulgarian|How_to_configure_Qt_Creator_to_work_with_real_devices_Bulgarian]]
* [[How to configure Qt Creator to work with real devices Russian|How_to_configure_Qt_Creator_to_work_with_real_devices_Russian]]
* [[How to configure Qt Creator to work with real devices Spanish|How_to_configure_Qt_Creator_to_work_with_real_devices_Spanish]]===I===
* [[IDE-debug-helpers|IDE debug helpers]]
* [[Installing mad-developer component for MeeGo Netbook and Tablet devices|Installing_mad developer_component_for_MeeGo_Netbook_and_Tablet_devices]]===N===
* [[Nokia N950 Firmware Updates|Nokia_N950_Firmware_Updates]]
* [[Nokia N950 Firmware Updates Bulgarian|Nokia_N950_Firmware_Updates_Bulgarian]]===O===
* [[Old-Releases|Old Releases]]===Q===
* [[Qt-Creator-for-Tizen-Analysis|Qt Creator for Tizen Analysis]]
* [[Qt-Creator-Qt-Examples|Qt Creator Qt Examples]]
* [[Qt-for-Tizen-Introduction|Qt for Tizen Introduction]]
* [[Qt-In-Namespace|Qt In Namespace]]
* [[QtCreatorFAQ]]
* [[QtCreatorStyling]]
* [[QtCreatorSymbianLinux]]
* [[QtCreatorWhitepaper]]
* [[QtCreatorWhitepaper Spanish|QtCreatorWhitepaper_Spanish]]
* [[QtCreator Build Gdb|QtCreator_Build_Gdb]]
* [[QtQuickToolingWhitepaper]]
* [[Qt Creator CppSupport ConfigurableQuickFixes|Qt_Creator_CppSupport_ConfigurableQuickFixes]]
* [[Qt Creator DevIntro CppSupport|Qt_Creator_DevIntro_CppSupport]]
* [[Qt Creator Documentation Gallery|Qt_Creator_Documentation_Gallery]]
* [[Qt Creator Keyboard Shortcuts|Qt_Creator_Keyboard_Shortcuts]]
* [[Qt Creator ManualTests Android|Qt_Creator_ManualTests_Android]]
* [[Qt Creator ManualTests DebuggerCdb|Qt_Creator_ManualTests_DebuggerCdb]]
* [[Qt Creator ManualTests DebuggerGdb|Qt_Creator_ManualTests_DebuggerGdb]]
* [[Qt Creator ManualTests DebuggerLldb|Qt_Creator_ManualTests_DebuggerLldb]]
* [[Qt Creator ManualTests Installer|Qt_Creator_ManualTests_Installer]]
* [[Qt Creator ManualTests iOS|Qt_Creator_ManualTests_iOS]]
* [[Qt Creator ManualTests ProjectsAndCode|Qt_Creator_ManualTests_ProjectsAndCode]]
* [[Qt Creator ManualTests QtQuick|Qt_Creator_ManualTests_QtQuick]]
* [[Qt Creator ManualTests ToolsIntegration|Qt_Creator_ManualTests_ToolsIntegration]]
* [[Qt Creator Plug-in Contribution Guide|Qt_Creator_Plug in_Contribution_Guide]]
* [[Qt Creator Plug-in Gallery|Qt_Creator_Plug in_Gallery]]
* [[Qt Creator Releases|Qt_Creator_Releases]]
* [[Qt Creator Releases Japanese|Qt_Creator_Releases_Japanese]]
* [[Qt Creator Translation Page|Qt_Creator_Translation_Page]]
* [[Qt Creator Windows Debugging|Qt_Creator_Windows_Debugging]]
* [[Qt for beginners Hello World|Qt_for_beginners_Hello_World]]
* [[Qt Quick|Qt_Quick]]===R===
* [[Releases]]
* [[Removing menubar and titlebar from qt simulator|Removing_menubar_and_titlebar_from_qt_simulator]]
* [[Removing menubar and titlebar from qt simulator Bulgarian|Removing_menubar_and_titlebar_from_qt_simulator_Bulgarian]]
* [[Roadmap]]===S===
* [[Submit-Policies|Submit Policies]]===T===
* [[:Category:Tools::MinGW Bulgarian|Category:Tools -&gt; MinGW_Bulgarian]]
* [[:Category:Tools::QtCreator|Category:Tools -&gt; QtCreator]]
* [[:Category:Tools::QtCreator::QualityAssurance|Category:Tools -&gt; QtCreator -&gt; QualityAssurance]]
* [[:Category:Tools::QtCreator Arabic|Category:Tools -&gt; QtCreator_Arabic]]
* [[:Category:Tools::QtCreator Greek|Category:Tools -&gt; QtCreator_Greek]]
* [[:Category:Tools::QtCreator Russian|Category:Tools -&gt; QtCreator_Russian]]===V===
* [[VendorPackages]]
* [[:Category:Developing Qt|Developing_Qt]]
** [[:Category:Developing Qt::Guidelines|Guidelines]]
* [[:Category:Tools|Tools]]
** [[:Category:Tools::QtCreator|QtCreator]]
* [[:Category:Tools::QtCreator::QualityAssurance|QualityAssurance]]

Latest revision as of 12:20, 15 September 2016

For an overview, see the Qt Creator page.


This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.